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HeikaHaku 11-20-2010 03:04 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[10:38] <+Cameron|Sleep> Card games time!
[10:38] <@HeikaHaku> Cam
[10:38] * Cameron|Sleep is now known as Cameron|CardGames
[10:38] <+Cameron|CardGames> Haku
[10:38] <@HeikaHaku> Brie challenges you to a Children's Card Game!
[10:38] <+Cameron|CardGames> I ACCEP
[10:39] <+Cameron|CardGames> Wait...
[10:39] * +Rose stays out of this one
[10:39] <+Cameron|CardGames> Accept
[10:39] <+Cameron|CardGames> There we go
[10:39] <+Cameron|CardGames> Anyway, I'm off!
[10:39] * Cameron|CardGames was kicked by Brie (Brie attacks your life points for MASSIVE DAMAGE!)
[10:39] <@HeikaHaku> lol
[10:39] <+NirvashRedemption-> LOL
[10:39] <+Tiggs> lmao!!
[10:39] * Cameron|CardGames (~Cameron@C2F21E27.39077BF8.D5426032.IP) has joined #918thefan
[10:39] * GlaD0S sets mode: +v Cameron|CardGames
[10:39] <@HeikaHaku> :P
[10:39] <+Cameron|CardGames> OH BRIE
[10:39] <+NirvashRedemption-> CURSES!
[10:39] <+NirvashRedemption-> DX
[10:39] <+Cameron|CardGames> YOU SILLY GIRL YOU
[10:39] <+NirvashRedemption-> Oh wait 'checks his hand'
[10:39] <+NirvashRedemption-> I win.
[10:40] <+NirvashRedemption-> :3

Cameron 11-20-2010 04:12 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
(6:02:16 PM) stellarhush: sauce of the apple
(6:02:22 PM) stellarhush: piece of the bacon
(6:02:28 PM) stellarhush: in your belly
(6:02:39 PM) stellarhush: they began to make it do the rumbling
(6:02:51 PM) stellarhush: saliva of the cameron for the food of the chinese
(6:03:03 PM) stellarhush: hungry again in three hours you shall be

Zero Gravity 11-22-2010 01:29 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[15:22] <@DSi> Zero, you could always do what I did. I learned how to sew. -_-;
[15:22] <+NirvashRedemption> that actually comes in handy for a lot of things
[15:22] * Zero_Gravity has flashbacks to sewing classes
[15:22] <+Zero_Gravity> NOOOOOOOOOOOO
[15:22] * Zero_Gravity hides under rock
[15:22] <@DSi> ...
[15:22] <+NirvashRedemption> lol?
[15:23] <@DSi> I don't even want to know

Kibs 11-22-2010 03:20 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<@Cerulaine> And me saying I don't want something
<@Cerulaine> Yet I get it anyway
* @Cerulaine angryface
<~Kibs> ceru are you implying you were ra....nevermind

Leviathan Mist 11-28-2010 02:05 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[12:57:24] <+Mephisto> I haven't found a reason to think Stellar is insane...yet :D
[12:57:30] <%stellarhush> i am,but my insanity doesn't pertain at all to anime XD
[12:57:34] <%stellarhush> or games
[12:57:46] <@LeviathanMist> stellar is insane about ducks
[12:57:50] <%stellarhush> oh im sure you will eventually so long as you hang in the IRC when im around.
[12:57:54] <+Cameron> *dashes in* I can vouch for his insanity!
[12:57:55] <%stellarhush> indeed
[12:57:58] <%stellarhush> ducks are great
[12:58:11] <%stellarhush> they're building a kingdom in space right now
[12:58:17] <@LeviathanMist> the u is so close to the i on the keyboard, it's a bad typo waiting to happen -_-
[12:58:26] <%stellarhush> that orbits pluto (because it's a planet )
[12:58:47] * Mephisto brings out a notepad, with the intent of keeping genders written down for future reference. "Who's what?"
[12:58:47] <+Mephisto> :D
[12:58:55] <%stellarhush> the ducks will finish their kingdom and then they will become birds of paradise
[12:59:01] <+Cameron> I lol'd my face off at Mist
[12:59:10] <@LeviathanMist> seriously, I had to backspace twice today
[12:59:38] <+Cameron> Every time I try to spell disk, I slip up
[12:59:49] <+Cameron> Not this time however, I triple checked
[12:59:49] <+Mephisto> Rofls.
[12:59:52] <@LeviathanMist> give me your floppy dusk
[12:59:57] <%stellarhush> then as the ducks of the world ascend to their paradise they shall bring with them all those who believe in the power of smoothies
[12:59:57] <+Mephisto> >.>
[13:00:17] <%stellarhush> floppy dusks are tasty
[13:00:23] * Zero_Gravity (qwebirc@Rizon-E10217C5.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #918thefan
[13:00:23] * GlaD0S sets mode +v Zero_Gravity for #918thefan
[13:00:24] <%stellarhush> i had one for lunch the other day
[13:00:25] <@LeviathanMist> what about floppy ducks?
[13:00:27] <+Mephisto> Floppy ducks? :D
[13:00:31] <+Zero_Gravity> ....
[13:00:32] <+NirvashRedemption> No, dusks
[13:00:36] <+Zero_Gravity> what did I walk in on...
[13:00:37] <+Cameron> Ducks?
[13:00:39] <%stellarhush> it tasted like the 90s
[13:00:41] * LeviathanMist lols
[13:00:43] <+NirvashRedemption> lol
[13:00:49] <+Rose> lol

soundbreaker 12-01-2010 01:20 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[22:05] <+the00monkey> lp this wk
[22:05] <+soundbreaker> Yep
[22:05] <+the00monkey> yes
[22:05] <+soundbreaker> Yes?
[22:05] <+the00monkey> yea
[22:05] <+the00monkey> yes
[22:05] <+soundbreaker> ok

[23:36] <@LeviathanMist> I mean, I could give you an impossible challenge, such as "I challenge you to earn a billion dollars" or "I challenge you to overthrow the Cuban government"
[23:37] <@soundbreaker> Both doable, but not in the current time frame
[23:37] <+Splinton> i did that second one before breakfast
[23:37] <@soundbreaker> Bah, show-off.
[23:37] <+Splinton> great warmup to the day

[00:24] <@soundbreaker> Tongue-in-cheek
[00:24] <+soundbreaker_> Tongue YOUR cheek
[00:24] <@soundbreaker> What?
[00:24] <+soundbreaker_> What?
[00:24] <@soundbreaker> Oh, that is enough outta you!
[00:25] <+soundbreaker_> Whatta ya gonna do, tough guy?
[00:25] == soundbreaker_ was kicked from #918thefan by soundbreaker [soundbreaker_]
[00:25] <@soundbreaker> That.
[00:25] <+Splinton> lol

[01:22] <%soundbreaker> o_o
[01:22] <%soundbreaker> -_-
[01:22] <%soundbreaker> o_o
[01:23] <%soundbreaker> I blinked
[01:23] <+jessi_> lol
[01:23] <+Katelynn> Lol.

Leviathan Mist 12-02-2010 09:33 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[02:18:48] * Sailor-Mars taps on Mist's jar.
[02:18:55] <@LeviathanMist> what jar? I see no jar
[02:19:00] <+Sailor-Mars> You're in said jar.
[02:19:16] <@LeviathanMist> if I'm in a jar, it must be a jar so big that I can't even see that I'm in one
[02:19:24] <+Sailor-Mars> It's a Leviathan Jar.
[02:19:33] <+Sailor-Mars> We've already been over this.
[02:19:37] <@LeviathanMist> NEVAR
[02:19:44] <@LeviathanMist> You can't possibly lift such a jar
[02:19:48] <@LeviathanMist> I call shenanigans
[02:19:53] <+Sailor-Mars> OH!!!!!
[02:20:10] * Sailor-Mars is going to pistol-whip the next guy who says shenanigans.
[02:20:14] <+Sailor-Mars> >.>
[02:20:15] <@LeviathanMist> shenanigans
[02:20:27] * Sailor-Mars frowns, due to Mist being in a jar.
[02:20:33] <@LeviathanMist> What jar?
[02:20:39] <+Sailor-Mars> Keep it up and your new name will be LeviathanSteam.
[02:20:39] <@LeviathanMist> I see no jar
[02:25:39] <@LeviathanMist> oh wait, milhouse isn't a meme
[02:25:57] <@LeviathanMist> I call shenanigans!
[02:26:21] * Sailor-Mars is going to pistol-whip the next guy that says shenanigans.
[02:26:41] <@LeviathanMist> shenanigans
[02:26:42] * Sailor-Mars is now known as Mephisto
[02:27:05] <@LeviathanMist> You're supposed to frown because I'm in a jar
[02:27:13] <@LeviathanMist> so I can say "What jar? I see no jar"
[02:27:35] <+Mephisto> >.> Lost track of the conversation, due to Nickserv prompting me for info.
[02:27:47] <@LeviathanMist> shenanigans!
[02:27:47] * Mephisto frowns at the jar that Mist is in.
[02:27:53] <@LeviathanMist> What jar? I see no jar.
[02:28:16] <+Mephisto> That doesn't change the fact that you're in a jar.
[02:28:44] <@LeviathanMist> If I'm in a jar, it must be a jar so big that I can't even tell I'm in one
[02:28:56] <+Mephisto> We've been over this, it's a Leviathan Jar!
[02:29:13] <@LeviathanMist> Lies! You can't possibly lift such a jar
[02:29:15] <@LeviathanMist> I call shenanigans
[02:29:37] * Mephisto is going to pistol-whip the next guy that says shenanigans.
[02:29:42] <@LeviathanMist> shenanigans
[02:29:45] <+NeonX> Shenanigans
[02:29:52] * Mephisto frowns at Leviathan in the jar.
[02:29:55] <@LeviathanMist> What jar? I see no jar
[02:29:55] <@Sailor-Moon> Shenanigans on you
[02:30:01] <+NeonX> ^
[02:30:03] <+Mephisto> That doesn't change the fact that you're in a jar.
[02:30:16] <@LeviathanMist> If I'm in a jar, it must be a jar so big I can't even tell I'm in one
[02:30:16] <+NeonX> But perception is everything!
[02:30:22] <+Mephisto> We've been over this, it's a Leviathan Jar!
[02:30:32] <@LeviathanMist> Lies! You can't possibly lift such a jar
[02:30:34] <@LeviathanMist> I call shenanigans
[02:30:36] * Mephisto is going to pistol-whip the next guy that says shenanigans.
[02:30:41] <+NeonX> shenanigans
[02:30:41] <@LeviathanMist> shenanigans
[02:30:50] * Mephisto scowls at Neon.
[02:30:55] * Mephisto frowns at the jar.
[02:30:56] <@LeviathanMist> What jar? I see no jar.
[02:31:00] <+NeonX> What jar? I see no jar.
[02:31:01] <+Mephisto> That doesn't change the fact that you're in a jar.
[02:31:09] <@LeviathanMist> If I'm in a jar, it must be a jar so big I can'teven tell I'm in one
[02:31:12] <+NeonX> If I'm in a jar, it must be a jar so big I can't even tell I'm in one
[02:31:12] <+Mephisto> We've been over this, it's a Leviathan Jar!
[02:31:19] <+NeonX> Lies! You can't possibly lift such a jar
[02:31:21] <@LeviathanMist> Lies! You can't possibly lift such a jar
[02:31:23] <@LeviathanMist> I call shenanigans
[02:31:24] <+NeonX> I call shenanigans
[02:31:29] * Mephisto is going to pistol-whip the next guy that says shenanigans.
[02:31:32] <@LeviathanMist> shenanigans
[02:31:35] * Mephisto frowns at the jar.
[02:31:39] <@LeviathanMist> What jar? I see no jar
[02:31:44] <+Mephisto> Okay, I'm bored.
[03:00:47] <@LeviathanMist> I do go out now and then
[03:00:52] <+Sailor-Mars> Lies.
[03:00:56] <+Sailor-Mars> You're in a jar.
[03:01:02] <@LeviathanMist> What jar? I see no jar
[03:01:19] <+Sailor-Mars> That doesn't change the fact that you're in a jar.
[03:01:20] <@christmas4477> Jars? Don;t you mean carrots? Hahahaha
[03:01:24] <@LeviathanMist> If I'm in a jar, it must be a jar so big that I can't even tell I'm in a jar
[03:01:34] <+Sailor-Mars> We've been over this before, it's a Leviathan Jar!
[03:01:36] <@LeviathanMist> Lies! You can't possibly lift such a jar
[03:01:39] <@LeviathanMist> I call shenanigans
[03:01:43] <@Sailor-Moon> omg
[03:01:45] <@Sailor-Moon> SHUT UP
[03:02:07] * Sailor-Moon puts both of you in jars, and seals them
[03:02:11] <@Sailor-Moon> THERE
[03:02:16] <@Sailor-Moon> I GOT 2 JARS OF DIIIRT
[03:02:19] * LeviathanMist was already in a jar
[03:02:39] * Sailor-Mars points out that Leviathan is inside of a jar that is inside of a jar
[03:02:46] <@LeviathanMist> What jars? I see no jars
[03:03:06] <@LeviathanMist> If I am in jars, then they must be jars so big that I can't even tell I'm in jars
[03:07:11] <@LeviathanMist> What appropriate conversation topic? I see no appropriate conversation topic
[03:07:31] <+Sailor-Mars> That doesn't change the fact that there is an appropriate conversation topic.
[03:07:51] <@LeviathanMist> If there is an appropriate conversation topic, it must be so appropriate that I can't even tell it's appropriate
[03:08:12] <@christmas4477> Hey Mist
[03:08:12] <+Sailor-Mars> We've been over this before, it's a Leviathan appropriate conversation topic!
[03:08:17] <@christmas4477> Shut up
[03:08:20] <@christmas4477> kthx
[03:08:30] <@LeviathanMist> I don't know how

neondantou126 12-04-2010 10:25 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<Gannon133> is it a paradox?
<Jessi_> o.O
<Gannon133> Cerulaine didn't sung for ages
<Jessi_> oh
<Gannon133> uh, EarthBound made me think back about blue...
<NeonX> <3 Scandal :D
<Cerulaine> ^^
<Cameron> Wait, did Ceru sing after all and I missed it?
<Cerulaine> I will when I come back
<Gannon133> it was a tease
<Gannon133> *teaser
* Jessi_ and cookie are going to go to sleep yea in a bit when we tune in for Kusariemix
<Gannon133> roommates?
<Jessi_> nope just a sleep over
<Jessi_> with alchopops
<Jessi_> and munchies
<Jessi_> and plenty of anime
<NeonX> hmm i should watch k-on season 2
* Jessi_ wants to be kicked out for the hell of it
<Jessi_> Weeee!
<Jessi_> ¬.¬
<Gannon133> Christmas4477 would do that...
<NeonX> just sit on kana's head
<Kanashimi> ._.
<DSi> You WANT to be kicked?
<DSi> I'll do it. >:D
* NeonX hides
<Jessi_> For the fun of it
<NeonX> I said nothing
<Jessi_> Weee!
<Gannon133> uh oh
<DSi> Oooo-kay
* Cerulaine facepalms
* DSi has kicked Jessi_ from #918thefan (You have been decked by DS - See you when you regain consciousness!)
<DSi> Best. Kick. Message. Ever.
<Amui> DS guess what
<DSi> ?
* Amui has kicked Amui from #918thefan (SEAKING! USE HORN DRILL!)
* Amui (~Amui@Rizon-D9C8D954.hsd1.sc.comcast.net) has joined #918thefan
* GlaD0S gives channel operator status to Amui
<Amui> Ugh, wrong one
<EagleEyes> OMG
<DSi> ... I'm defeated
<sh4z> hey TomyaKaulitz
<sh4z> ^^
* EagleEyes glomps Amui
* PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB golfclaps for Amui
* NeonX claps for Amui
<DSi> I get no such join message. D:
* EagleEyes has kicked EagleEyes from #918thefan (MASHIRO KICK!)
* EagleEyes (~EagleEyes@Rizon-3ADEC711.sbr800.nsw.optusnet.com.au) has joined #918thefan
<GlaD0S> [EagleEyes] A Forbidden Fruit Which Lures You Into An Eternal Slumber, Crazy Apple!
* GlaD0S gives channel operator status to EagleEyes
<Gannon133> yeah, if I get kicked out, I have computer problems; at the same I don't have this problem
<sh4z> lol
<Amui> It works when you join the channel auto-identified
<Amui> I found that out
<Gannon133> when I log off by myself
<sh4z> interesting
* Kayarath (qwebirc@Rizon-1322CB84.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) has joined #918thefan
* GlaD0S gives voice to Kayarath
<EagleEyes> NEW MEMBER
<Gannon133> hey Kayarath
* EagleEyes does the new member dance
* EagleEyes flails his arms
<Gannon133> I like the Fan Friday you submitted

EagleEyes 12-05-2010 05:04 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)

Cameron 12-08-2010 11:23 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
(1:20:02 PM) BoneThrack: :/ went to get the mail and my mailbox was gone
(1:20:42 PM) BoneThrack: found it like 10 feet from the post burried under a foot of snow
(1:20:59 PM) BoneThrack: no idea how long its been there lol

jessileo127 12-09-2010 07:44 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[14:21] <+Zero_Gravity> Soundbreaker
[14:22] <+Zero_Gravity> I demand you teach me the concept of love
[14:22] <@soundbreaker> Okey dokey
[14:22] <@soundbreaker> Grease yourself up and let's begin
[14:22] <+jessi__> lol
[14:22] <+jessi__> lmao
[14:22] <+Gannon133> O.O
[14:22] * Zero_Gravity nods head

[14:40] <+Zero_Gravity> LEAVE SOUNDBREAKER ALONE
[14:40] <+Zero_Gravity> SHE'S A HUMAN
[14:40] <+jessi__> She
[14:40] <+jessi__> lmao
[14:40] <@soundbreaker> Eh?
[14:40] <+Gannon133> lmao
[14:40] <+Renamon> Okay.
[14:40] == soundbreaker has changed nick to femmebreaker

[14:40] <@Kusari> Take care, Renamon!
[14:40] == femmebreaker has changed nick to ballbreaker
[14:40] <+Zero_Gravity> bye rena
[14:40] == ballbreaker has changed nick to nope
[14:40] <@Kusari> Go digivolve to Mega and whoop arse.
[14:40] == Kusari has changed nick to Yup
[14:40] == nope has changed nick to MEGABREAKER
[14:41] * Yup KuSONIC

Cameron 12-09-2010 02:39 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
(4:37:20 PM) Cameron: *huggles E-man*
(4:37:23 PM) ***jessi_ runs up to hug EE
(4:37:28 PM) RhetoricalGamer: Group hug!
(4:37:29 PM) Cameron: Group hug!

Yay for hive minds!

Amui 12-09-2010 04:35 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
*** DSi kicked Cerulaine from the channel: You have been decked by DS - See you when you regain consciousness!
*** Cerulaine has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +o Cerulaine
<@Cerulaine> And I'm OCD about random things
*** DSi has quit IRC:
<@Cerulaine> >>
<@Cerulaine> What a jerkface
<@Bromas> At least he isn't lazy
*** Bromas kicked Cerulaine from the channel: Don't say lazy
*** Cerulaine has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +o Cerulaine
*** Bromas has quit IRC:
<@Cerulaine> -.-
*** Bromui kicked Cerulaine from the channel: SEAKING! USE HORN DRILL!
*** Cerulaine has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +o Cerulaine
*** Amui has quit IRC:
*** Amui has joined #918thefan
*** Topic on #918thefan is: http://918thefan.com | Shut up Cerulaine. | <insert Christmas pun here> | Full Christmas Morning! Coutdown: 16 days! | Newest post: iStalk 457
*** Topic set by DSi!~DJ_DS@Rizon-62AC5861.jax.bellsouth.net (2 minutes ago at 6:29 PM)
*** GlaD0S sets mode +v Amui
*** Amui sets mode +r
*** GlaD0S sets mode +o Amui
<@Cerulaine> >>
<@Cerulaine> Amui
<@Cerulaine> I'm not kicking you
<@Amui> Ceru.
<@Cerulaine> Because it was hilarious
<@Amui> ......
*** Amui kicked Amui from the channel: SEAKING! USE HORN DRILL!
*** Amui has joined #918thefan
*** Topic on #918thefan is: http://918thefan.com | Shut up Cerulaine. | <insert Christmas pun here> | Full Christmas Morning! Coutdown: 16 days! | Newest post: iStalk 457
*** Topic set by DSi!~DJ_DS@Rizon-62AC5861.jax.bellsouth.net (3 minutes ago at 6:29 PM)
*** GlaD0S sets mode +o Amui
<@Cerulaine> XD

jessileo127 12-10-2010 06:56 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[01:30] <@RebelReindeer> I TRY to camp out here 24/7, but whenever I retart I have to remember to jump back in
[01:30] <+Kwen> retart?
[01:30] <+jessi_> lol
[01:30] <+Kwen> that sounds delicious
[01:31] <+jessi_> can i quote that?

Zero Gravity 12-11-2010 12:24 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
he's TRYING to kill me

[14:20] <+Drago142222> i wonder
[14:20] <+Drago142222> would a rose still smell good in outer space
[14:20] <+Zero_Gravity> considering if you TRIED to sniff in outer space
[14:20] <+Zero_Gravity> your face would explode
[14:20] <+Zero_Gravity> I don't think so
[14:20] <+Drago142222> but
[14:20] <+Drago142222> just because your dead
[14:20] <+Drago142222> does that mean the rose smells bad?
[14:21] <+Zero_Gravity> theoretically you mean
[14:21] <+Zero_Gravity> possibly, the rose would freeze
[14:21] <+Zero_Gravity> so odds are you'd smell frost
[14:21] <+Drago142222> but
[14:21] <+Drago142222> is frost ba?
[14:21] <+Drago142222> bad
[14:22] <+Zero_Gravity> no
[14:22] <+Zero_Gravity> it just covers up scent
[14:22] <+Drago142222> so would the rose smell bad
[14:22] <+Zero_Gravity> .....
[14:22] <+Zero_Gravity> no...
[14:22] <+Zero_Gravity> it wouldn't smell
[14:22] <+Zero_Gravity> it'd freeze
[14:22] <+Drago142222> thats not true
[14:22] <+Drago142222> even frost has a scent
[14:22] <+Zero_Gravity> ......
[14:23] * Zero_Gravity facepalms
[14:23] <+Drago142222> think about it
[14:23] <+Zero_Gravity> IT WOULDN'T HAVE A SCENT
[14:23] <+Drago142222> the liquid particles that freeze
[14:23] <+Zero_Gravity> ITWOULD BE FROZEN
[14:23] <+Drago142222> would of come from the rose
[14:23] <+Zero_Gravity> JEESH
[14:24] <+Drago142222> so the frost would smell like the rose
[14:24] * Zero_Gravity pops an aneurysm

soundbreaker 12-14-2010 09:31 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[02:34] <+JollyGr33nGiant> never any new ideas anymore
[02:34] <@soundbreaker> Everything's been done already
[02:35] <@soundbreaker> The Fax Machine is just a Telephone with a Microwave attached to it
[02:35] <@soundbreaker> You want to warm up paper? Bam! There you go.

[02:40] <@soundbreaker> :-[D
[02:40] <+BlackCat13> hehe
[02:40] <@soundbreaker> I have a moustache

[03:20] == soundbreaker was kicked from #918thefan by soundbreaker [I'm so awesome, I kick my own a**]

From when the radio was broken:

[22:22] <@soundbreaker> .radio
[22:24] <@soundbreaker> Damn
[22:24] <@soundbreaker> Ain't no sunshine when she's gone.
[22:24] <@EagleEyes> XD
[22:24] <@Sailor-Moon> lawl

Cameron 12-14-2010 08:12 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
(10:05:57 PM) Katelynn [qwebirc@Rizon-4358F6D7.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] entered the room.
(10:05:57 PM) mode (+h Katelynn) by GlaD0S
(10:06:10 PM) Cameron: Kate
(10:06:42 PM) Cameron: *holds up your dash with tears in his eyes*
(10:08:06 PM) Katelynn left the room (quit: ).

*sniff* She hates her dash, but it loves her!

Zehutsumei 12-18-2010 04:35 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
* @MistEE calls
* Amui (~Amui@Rizon-D9C8D954.hsd1.sc.comcast.net) has joined #918thefan
* GlaD0S sets mode: +v Amui
* Kibs changes topic to 'http://918thefan.com | The Kusaremix: Breaking The Chains of The Night! It's time, Chainbreakers. | Full Christmas Morning Countdown: 7 days! | Need help with the promo contest? http://918thefan.com/forums/showthre...4251#post24251 | http://918thefan.com/2010/super-stre...her-4-review/'
<@MistEE> Starmui
* GlaD0S sets mode: +o Amui
* Amui is now known as Starmui
<@MistEE> Starmui go use water gun
* @Starmui throws up
<@MistEE> O_O
* @MistEE points at Shido
<@MistEE> See what you made it do
<@MistEE> o.o

jessileo127 12-21-2010 08:55 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[15:27] <@soundbreaker> Hahahaha!
[15:27] <@soundbreaker> Ack!
[15:27] <@soundbreaker> Beepos!
[15:27] <+jessi_> Soundbreaker
[15:27] <@soundbreaker> jessi_
[15:27] <@soundbreaker> jessi_
[15:27] <+jessi_> Soundbreaker Be-op
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> Beee-ooop jessi_
[15:28] <+jessi_> Soundbreaker
[15:28] <+jessi_> Soundbreaker Be-op
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> jessi_
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> jessi_
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> jessi_
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> jessi_
[15:28] <+jessi_> Soundbreaker Be-op
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> jessi_
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> jessi_
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> jessi_
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> jessi_
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> jessi_
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> jessi_
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> jessi_
[15:28] <+jessi_> Soundbreaker
[15:28] <+jessi_> Soundbreaker Be-op
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> Ah hahahah!
[15:28] <~Kanashimi> Spamming
[15:28] <~Kanashimi> You're both doing it
[15:28] <+jessi_> He started it!
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> Yeah, we'll stop now.
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> I did not!
[15:28] <+jessi_> Did too!
[15:28] <@soundbreaker> Did not did not did not!
[15:29] <+jessi_> Did did did!
[15:29] <@soundbreaker> Did not times infinity!
[15:29] <+jessi_> Did too infinity times 2
[15:29] <@soundbreaker> Did not times infinity-squared!
[15:30] <@soundbreaker> :-P
[15:30] <+jessi_> Did too Infinity times 42!
[15:30] <@soundbreaker> Bah!
[15:30] <+jessi_> Hah!
[15:30] <@soundbreaker> Wah!
[15:30] * jessi_ pokes Sound
[15:30] * soundbreaker is poked.
[15:30] <@soundbreaker> Ouch.
[15:31] <+jessi_> Good!
[15:31] <+jessi_> getting us into trouble with Kana
[15:31] <+jessi_> ¬.¬
[15:33] <@soundbreaker> Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
[15:33] <+NeonX> Spamming is bad and you should feel bad.
[15:33] <@soundbreaker> Hold on now, SHE started it!
[15:33] <+jessi_> He started it!
[15:33] <@soundbreaker> XP
[15:33] <+jessi_> :P

EagleEyes 12-24-2010 02:31 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<@LeviathanMist> My Wang will use Dragon Thrust

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