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EagleEyes 10-19-2010 04:11 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<@LeviathanMist> Penguins are hot
<+Zero_Gravity> I am?
<@LeviathanMist> I would make love to one
* @LeviathanMist waits for people to back away slowly
* +Zero_Gravity backed away from mist long ago

gannon133 10-20-2010 06:50 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
My first sort of "meme" I started on the "slowest day" in the IRC that someone titled....

[21:03] <+Gannon133> I can't believe it's not butter
[21:03] <+Chibi-Katanashi> i cant believe you're not butter
[21:04] *** quadrain has joined #918thefan
[21:04] *** GlaD0S sets mode +v quadrain
[21:05] <+GracefulDisaster> HA
[21:05] <+GracefulDisaster> BURN
[21:05] <+GracefulDisaster> >.>;;;
[21:05] <+GracefulDisaster> *not
[21:05] <+GracefulDisaster> LOL fail
[21:05] <+Gannon133> I can't believe it's not Butters
[21:05] <@LeviathanMist> I can't believe I lost to this scuuuuuuum!
[21:05] <+Chibi-Katanashi> i cant believe you didnt just TRY to use a better diss
[21:05] <+Gannon133> I can't "BELIEVE IT"
[21:06] <@LeviathanMist> habeeb it?
[21:06] <@LeviathanMist> itty bitty baby, itty bitty boat
[21:06] <+Quostin> I can't Believe that the game is lame.
[21:06] <@LeviathanMist> I just lost the game
[21:06] <+Gannon133> I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S CERU LAME
[21:07] <+Gannon133> I can't believe I lost the game
[21:08] <+Gannon133> I can't believe these Motha****** snakes are in this Motha****** plane
[21:08] <+grimdefeat> i cant believe these monkey biting snakes on this monday to friday plane
[21:09] <+Chibi-Katanashi> i cant believe you dont like mudkips. even HITLER likes his mudkips
[21:09] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that quote grimdefeat made
[21:10] <+grimdefeat> lol gannon its on the edited version
[21:10] <+Chibi-Katanashi> i cant believe that even with a sync rate of 40% that shinji aquired with no training, or plug suit, he was able to use EVA-01 so well, i would be scared to see it with 100% sync
[21:10] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that grim made a C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER
[21:10] *** HeikaHaku has joined #918thefan
[21:10] *** GlaD0S sets mode +v HeikaHaku
[21:10] <+grimdefeat> yeah thats how i roll
[21:11] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that HeikaHaku missed all the fun
[21:11] <@LeviathanMist> What fun?
[21:11] <@LeviathanMist> It's always fun here
[21:11] <+HeikaHaku> You know
[21:11] *** Kibs has quit IRC: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[21:11] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that no one will make this into chat quotes
[21:11] <+HeikaHaku> Someone else just told me the same thing
[21:11] <@LeviathanMist> If you're away for any amount of time, you're missing fun :P
[21:12] <+HeikaHaku> "You just missed some drama."
[21:12] <+HeikaHaku> o.o
[21:12] <@LeviathanMist> You just "mist" some fun
[21:12] *** Kibs has joined #918thefan
[21:12] <&GlaD0S> [Kibs] A wild Kibs has appeared!
[21:12] *** GlaD0S sets mode +qo Kibs Kibs
[21:12] <&GlaD0S> Welcome, Kibs. I am humbly at your service. Who shall we be banning today?
[21:12] <+HeikaHaku> lol
[21:12] <@LeviathanMist> >.<
[21:12] *** Kibs has quit IRC:
[21:12] <+Gannon133> hur hur pun
[21:13] * +grimdefeat hits mist with a pun hammer
[21:13] <+grimdefeat> NO, NO PUNS
[21:13] <@LeviathanMist> STOP
[21:13] <@LeviathanMist> Hammer time
[21:13] <+Gannon133> LOL
[21:13] <+Chibi-Katanashi> i cant believe you try to punt the puns
[21:13] <+HeikaHaku> lol
[21:13] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that we are still going on with this
[21:14] <+Chibi-Katanashi> i cant believe you cant BELIEVE IT
[21:14] * +grimdefeat facepalms
[21:15] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that I said "I can't believe that is not butters" made this
[21:16] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that the chat is dead
[21:16] <+Chibi-Katanashi> i cant believe that shinji molested rei
[21:16] <+RynxXK5> ...................
[21:16] <+Chibi-Katanashi> .....................?
[21:17] <+Chibi-Katanashi> WHY NOT!?
[21:17] <+grimdefeat> i cant believe you havent heard of the word
[21:17] <+RynxXK5> because
[21:17] <+Chibi-Katanashi> because why
[21:17] <+RynxXK5> the ending actually both of them blow my mind
[21:17] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that the word is equal to or greater than the bird
[21:17] <+RynxXK5> like i get them and understand them but still
[21:17] <+Chibi-Katanashi> evangelion is friggen awesome
[21:17] <+Chibi-Katanashi> the only thing better is ghost in the shell
[21:18] <+RynxXK5> it took the best technology and countless years of research to properly learn
[21:18] <+RynxXK5> no no no evangelion is amazing it epic i know and respect it but the ending is still GAAAH
[21:18] <+RynxXK5> it's
[21:18] <+Chibi-Katanashi> then i dont get the problem
[21:19] <+Chibi-Katanashi> you know, i cant believe there are people who HAVENT watched evangelion
[21:19] * @LeviathanMist hasn't
[21:19] * +Chibi-Katanashi GASPS
[21:19] <@LeviathanMist> I have a friend who's madly obsessed with it though
[21:19] *** ziggy78eog has joined #918thefan
[21:19] *** GlaD0S sets mode +v ziggy78eog
[21:19] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that my thing is still going
[21:19] *** ziggy78eog has quit IRC:
[21:20] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that I killed someone that popped in randomly
[21:20] *** noobiesnack2 has joined #918thefan
[21:20] *** GlaD0S sets mode +v noobiesnack2
[21:21] *** noobiesnack has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
[21:21] * +Chibi-Katanashi rolls away
[21:21] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that no one is talking other than the I can't believe qoutes
[21:21] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that I made a typo
[21:22] *** ziggy78eog has joined #918thefan
[21:22] *** GlaD0S sets mode +v ziggy78eog
[21:22] <+grimdefeat> i may or may not have a power outage soon it is pouring down here right now
[21:22] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that the person that I killed got revived
[21:23] <+ziggy78eog> I can't believe it's not butter
[21:23] <@LeviathanMist> I can't believe there's another person here with a name beginning with z :P
[21:23] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that Grimdefeat may leave early
[21:23] <+Chibi-Katanashi> i cant believe it is not hitler
[21:23] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that the I can't believe is revamped
[21:23] <+Chibi-Katanashi> i cant believe you cant believe it
[21:23] <+grimdefeat> omg must watch new brental floss song
[21:24] <+Gannon133> I can't "believe it!"
[21:24] <+Chibi-Katanashi> BELIEVE IT
[21:24] <+RynxXK5> omg i need some who can read japanese please
[21:25] <@LeviathanMist> brb
[21:25] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that someone wants to give up their virginity to Vic mignogna
[21:26] <+ziggy78eog> I can't believe in pipe wrench
[21:26] <+Chibi-Katanashi> i cant believe anyone even likes mcdurpadurp
[21:26] <+Gannon133> I can't believe in Knife Wrench is for kibs
[21:27] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that I said something related to what's his name
[21:27] <+grimdefeat> i cant believe.....TANK!!!!!
[21:28] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that I made a slow day fun...
[21:28] *** Kibs has joined #918thefan
[21:28] <&GlaD0S> [Kibs] A wild Kibs has appeared!
[21:28] *** GlaD0S sets mode +qo Kibs Kibs
[21:28] <&GlaD0S> Welcome, Kibs. I am humbly at your service. Who shall we be banning today?
[21:28] <+quadrain> i can't believe I just read all of this
[21:28] <+ziggy78eog> I can't believe that Coke Zero tastes like regular Coke
[21:28] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that I am still continuing this
[21:29] <+Chibi-Katanashi> i cant believe you think coke zero tastes like regular coke
[21:29] <+ziggy78eog> I can't believe that Gannon can't believe he is still continueing this silly dicussion.
[21:29] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that Kibs was away to look at the thing I am making
[21:31] *** twilly has joined #918thefan
[21:31] *** GlaD0S sets mode +v twilly
[21:31] <+Chibi-Katanashi> *WB(twilly)WB* - <@twilly> Hi I'm illiterate, I'll take a seat next to that guy.
[21:31] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that It is almost thirty minutes of doing this line
[21:31] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that Twilly is here
[21:31] *** GlaD0S sets mode +o twilly
[21:32] <+grimdefeat> what if kirby had lyrics is the best brental foloss song ever as of now
[21:32] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that BrentalFloss made a ...With lyrics song behind my back
[21:33] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that it is exactly 30 minutes of doing "I can't believe..." line on the IRC
[21:34] <+Chibi-Katanashi> i cant believe mudkipz arent real!
[21:34] <+Gannon133> I can't believe that I'll stop this line now
[21:34] * +Gannon133 slaps self
[21:34] <+Chibi-Katanashi> i cant believe you havent stopped this yet
[21:34] <+Gannon133> I think that it is time to chat quote this
[21:35] <+Gannon133> Chibi-katanashi, I got one thing to say, "THE GAME IS UP"
[21:35] <+Chibi-Katanashi> i cant believe you made me lose the game
[21:35] <+Gannon133> that is the end finally
[21:36] <@LeviathanMist> It's the end? I can't believe it
[21:36] <+Chibi-Katanashi> BELIEVE IT

Zehutsumei 10-21-2010 08:34 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<+Zero_Gravity> WHY SONIC
* Sonic_the_Hedgehog (qwebirc@Rizon-E10217C5.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #918thefan
* GlaD0S sets mode: +v Sonic_the_Hedgehog
<+Sonic_the_Hedgehog> CAUSE YOUR TOO SLOWWWWW
<+Zero_Gravity> DAMMIT SONIC
* +Sonic_the_Hedgehog dashes
* +Sonic_the_Hedgehog (qwebirc@Rizon-E10217C5.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) Quit

GracefulDisaster 10-21-2010 10:32 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[22:00] * GracefulDisaster is totally approving of this song playing at her wedding...
[22:00] * Toonpenguin blinks
[22:00] <Toonpenguin> always i wanan be with you that song GracefulDisaster
[22:00] <Gannon133> I need some time to study the handling of money over the internets
[22:00] <GracefulDisaster> Toonpenguin: yes, that one, Cam and I want it at our wedding~
[22:00] <Kanashimi> You never have enough fill of the Fanatic section
[22:01] <EagleEyes> Bob Chan
[22:01] <EagleEyes> Did the Little D have a good burfday?
[22:01] <GracefulDisaster> Always by Erasure
[22:01] <EagleEyes> BAHAHAHAHAHAAH
[22:01] * PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB supposes so, she did have to work, and then has class/work the following day, so only spent 4 hours with littled
[22:01] <EagleEyes> AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[22:01] [INFO] 2 matches for “e”: [EagleEyes, ecuadestroyer]
[22:01] <GracefulDisaster> EagleEyes: Laugh attack?
[22:01] <Toonpenguin> could you imagine a 918thefan.com wedding, Kana would be the DJ , kibs would be the pastor that weds the two, elk could be that uncle that you invited XD
[22:01] <GracefulDisaster> XDDDDDDDDD
[22:02] <GracefulDisaster> WHUT toon
[22:02] <sakura10163> o.o
[22:02] <SailorMoon> LAWL
[22:02] <Gannon133> Elk would be the uncle that complains
[22:02] <Kanashimi> Hahaha
[22:02] <Kanashimi> I loled
[22:02] <Gannon133> Twilly is the party animal with his starfish obsession
[22:02] <GracefulDisaster> Ceru would be in charge of media~
[22:02] * PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB has already planned, if EE makes it to the convention in Vegas next year, bob is going to get married in vegas
[22:03] * GracefulDisaster wonder who she should hire to be the decorator?
[22:03] <Toonpenguin> EagleEyes would be the chef and would serve pokemon meat
[22:03] <Gannon133> Cerulaine would be the wedding singer?
[22:03] <Toonpenguin> Yugiboy360 would be playing trading card games on the dance floor
[22:03] <SailorMoon> OH GOD
[22:03] <GracefulDisaster> XD
[22:03] <SailorMoon> ROFLMAO!!!!!
[22:03] <GracefulDisaster> LAWL
[22:03] <Gannon133> without the motorcycles....
[22:03] <GracefulDisaster> Hey hey
[22:03] <Toonpenguin> Brie would be standing by the bar
[22:03] <GracefulDisaster> who would decorate? twilly?
[22:03] <Toonpenguin> giving out a drink any one said drink
[22:04] <Gannon133> LM is the one guy that came to the wedding for hearing Minorin from the DJ
[22:04] <GracefulDisaster> XD
[22:04] <EagleEyes> Bob
[22:04] <Gannon133> and the free beer...
[22:04] <EagleEyes> I am going to anime vegas
[22:04] <EagleEyes> I dibs being best man!
[22:04] <Gannon133> And EE would do the fusion dance with Twilly...
[22:04] <EagleEyes> Jubi can be maid of honor
[22:05] <GracefulDisaster> o.o
[22:05] <GracefulDisaster> JUBI IS A GUY
[22:05] <GracefulDisaster> ACTUALLY
[22:05] <Gannon133> I forgot the content providers
[22:05] <Toonpenguin> then there would be a table filled with laptops, with skype up for little kuriboh, team four star, vic mc derba der
[22:05] <EagleEyes> I know o.o
[22:05] <GracefulDisaster> XD
[22:05] <sakura10163> well,
[22:05] <sakura10163> i g2g D:
[22:05] <Gannon133> Molly would be the lady that is very complaining
[22:05] <sakura10163> c ya guyz tomorrow >w<
[22:05] <Toonpenguin> then after the wedding Zero would be the hotel manager for the newly weds
[22:05] <HeikaHaku> >.>'
[22:05] <Gannon133> about the things in the wedding
[22:05] <Gannon133> bye Sakura
[22:06] <GracefulDisaster> What about Nirvash?
[22:06] <HeikaHaku> What about me?
[22:06] <sakura10163> and me?XD
[22:06] <Toonpenguin> i don't know, its hard trying to think of where to put everyone
[22:06] <GracefulDisaster> Chibi would be invited of course..... but.... what would he do?
[22:06] <GracefulDisaster> Ohhhh don't foget Hakuuu!!!!
[22:06] <Toonpenguin> you can't make me plan a wedding in 10 minutes over the internet gosh
[22:06] <GracefulDisaster> XD
[22:06] <sakura10163> XD
[22:06] <Gannon133> I have no other jobs that I know about weddings...
[22:07] <sakura10163> well, peace :D
[22:07] |<-- sakura10163 has left irc.rizon.net (Quit: .w.)
[22:07] <Toonpenguin> Gannon can be the grandfather who doesn't know where he is
[22:07] <GracefulDisaster> Someone needs to put these plans in chat quotes....
[22:07] <Toonpenguin> sakura could be the grandmother who keeps saying i hate my new son in law
[22:07] <Gannon133> I am the party pooper...
[22:07] <EagleEyes> HH!
[22:08] <GracefulDisaster> O.O
[22:08] <GracefulDisaster> SAKURA IS MY MOM?!
[22:08] <Toonpenguin> GlaD0S could be the sercuity guard
[22:08] * SailorMoon is rolling around in a fit of laughter
[22:08] <Gannon133> or I can be the guy that is very old and drunk in the reception
[22:08] <Gannon133> the "background drunk"
[22:09] <Toonpenguin> Jinn could be the nephew/niece that is crazy to make sure the wedding goes perfect
[22:09] <Toonpenguin> Quostin could be the book which everyone writes there names in
[22:09] <Gannon133> someone needs to be the ring person...
[22:09] =-= PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB is now known as PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB|Sleep
[22:09] <GracefulDisaster> ohhhh the ring bearer?
[22:09] <EagleEyes> I think Toon needs to lay down\
[22:09] <EagleEyes> <.<
[22:09] <GracefulDisaster> I NEED TO KNOW
[22:10] <Toonpenguin> ha ha well its 1 in the morning
[22:10] <Gannon133> that is the important one
[22:10] <Toonpenguin> and i am tired
[22:10] <EagleEyes> Night Bob Chan!
[22:10] <Toonpenguin> so i will be heading to sleep
[22:10] <GracefulDisaster> are wedding traditions in American different from wedding traditions in Canada?
[22:10] <Toonpenguin> hope you guys finish the wedding
[22:10] <Gannon133> night Toon
[22:10] |<-- Toonpenguin has left irc.rizon.net (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

EagleEyes 10-21-2010 11:21 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<&Raug> watch me suck while i test my capture card
<+Quostin> Raug... wrong choice of words.
<&Hiiragi> good call

Zero Gravity 10-23-2010 04:25 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[19:14] <@Cerulaine> Don't forget
[19:14] <@Cerulaine> If you have an romantic stories pm me
[19:14] <@Cerulaine> Any* even XD
[19:15] <+Zero_Gravity> Once...
[19:15] <+Zero_Gravity> I fell in love with a chicken
[19:16] <+Zero_Gravity> not a day went by where my lips and tongue didn't caress it's surface
[19:16] <+HeikaHaku> That hardly seems appropriate.
[19:16] <+HeikaHaku> lol.
[19:16] <@Cerulaine> Yeahhhhhhhh
[19:16] <@Cerulaine> >>
[19:16] <+HeikaHaku> Don’t play with your food, Zero. xP
[19:16] <+Zero_Gravity> I occasionally smuthered in in out love sauce....
[19:16] <+Zero_Gravity> mmmmm Popeyes chicken....
[19:16] <+HeikaHaku> xD
[19:16] <+Zero_Gravity> hot sauuuuce
19:16] == Zero_Gravity was kicked from #918thefan by Cerulaine [See You - Kick sponsored by www.trillian.im]

EagleEyes 10-30-2010 04:28 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<@EagleEyes> It is like a rag
<@EagleEyes> With Mold
* +PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB nods, a freaken rag Eagizu

HeikaHaku 11-01-2010 01:17 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[02:49:56] * @EagleEyes gives Twilly a trident
[02:50:07] * @EagleEyes gives Baum a pillow case full of babies
[02:50:40] <+Animebaum> This
[02:50:47] <+Animebaum> This is my weapon?
[02:50:53] <@EagleEyes> Yes?
[02:50:56] <+Animebaum> Twilly gets a Trident
[02:51:02] <@twilly> Yesh
[02:51:03] <+Animebaum> and I get a bag of babies
[02:51:07] <@EagleEyes> Yes
[02:51:10] <+Animebaum> Live babys?
[02:51:15] <@EagleEyes> Yes
[02:51:23] <+Kusari> Personally, I think Baum has the advantage.
[02:51:32] <+Animebaum> Okay then
[02:51:35] <+Animebaum> bring it on
[02:51:41] <+Animebaum> seems kinda unfair
[02:51:57] * +Kusari thinks Twilly should get two tridents.

EagleEyes 11-01-2010 01:18 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<+Thebaum> Enjoying my sack of candy
<+KaelemGaen> Right on my tuuuuuuush

HeikaHaku 11-01-2010 11:54 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[13:24:23] <@Cerulaine> Hungryyyyy
[13:24:30] <@Cerulaine> Someone make me foooood~
[13:25:36] <%HeikaHaku> Ceruuu
[13:25:41] <@christmas4477> Just eat some candy or something
[13:25:45] <%HeikaHaku> If you're hungry, make sammiches for everyone. XP
[13:25:51] <@christmas4477> 3
[13:25:53] <@christmas4477> 2
[13:25:54] <@christmas4477> 1
[13:25:55] * You were kicked by Cerulaine (See You - Kick sponsored by www.trillian.im)
[13:25:55] * Rejoined channel #918thefan
[13:25:58] <%HeikaHaku> xP
[13:26:04] <+Cameron> Wut
[13:26:12] <+Cameron> Sammichs?
[13:26:24] * @Cerulaine glares at Haku
[13:26:32] <@Cerulaine> Maybe you should make me something to eat now
[13:26:35] <@Cerulaine> :3
[13:26:55] <@christmas4477> Someone do me a favor and chat quote that, I can never do it right with ChatZilla
[13:28:20] * @Cerulaine not it
[13:28:33] <@Cerulaine> I want a hamburger big time

soundbreaker 11-03-2010 03:24 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[00:17] <+Toonpenguin> wow on ebay they're already counting down to christmas
[00:17] <%soundbreaker> Already?
[00:18] <%soundbreaker> Jeez, it's like at Big W, they had Christmas stuff out in July
[00:18] <+Toonpenguin> yeah, it says 53 days till chritmas
[00:18] <+Toonpenguin> christmas*
[00:18] <+jessenikolic> They might as well just leave it out there
[00:18] <%soundbreaker> Crit-mass, the time of year where you get hit once and it does peak damage

[22:12] <+TheRedAlchemist> how would you all survive during a zombie attack?
[22:12] <%soundbreaker> That's a good question
[22:13] <+JesseNikolic> I would wait for the zombies to decompose, if they're not alive then the flesh will rot pretty quick and the muscles will degenerate
[22:13] <+TheRedAlchemist> i'd use my belt to cut any remaining circulation and wait for their head to goop off hehehe

[22:43] <+JesseNikolic> Be right back, I wasnt actually eating coffee
[22:43] <+JesseNikolic> Going to get foods
[22:43] <+JesseNikolic> Sound, I'll fax some to you
[22:44] <%soundbreaker> Okey doke
[22:44] <+TheRedAlchemist> im eating at the moment.....MOTRIN!
[22:44] <@christmas4477> People still fax?
[22:44] <%soundbreaker> That's how I get my Pizza delivered

Zero Gravity 11-04-2010 05:13 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[20:05] == BuraiSolo [~BuraiSolo@Rizon-6CA2E767.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #918thefan
[20:05] == mode/#918thefan [+v BuraiSolo] by GlaD0S
[20:05] <+Nirvash_Redemption> wb solo
[20:05] == BuraiSolo [~BuraiSolo@Rizon-6CA2E767.mia.bellsouth.net] has quit []
[20:05] <+Nirvash_Redemption> ...
[20:05] <+Zero_Gravity> Goodbye Solo

soundbreaker 11-05-2010 08:23 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[23:21] <%soundbreaker> Type with your face Time!
[23:21] <+GracefulDisaster> sdkijiwpwjwpojjo
[23:21] <%soundbreaker> ghfghdfhbn
[23:21] <+JesseNikolic> slam your face into the keyboard and then hit enter!
[23:21] <+Pytri> numo,.
[23:22] <+JesseNikolic> ygt ntmjyg
[23:22] <+jessi_> bhyjugb hnjbh n
[23:22] <+jessi_> bh##yy89ik32uyjb#tg ve3wtv 889ijuhvbg jkiuiu8k798iujkmn ikjjnuhi8iygtiubnyjhgvnh ubj97gtr
[23:23] <+Pytri> Now my face is dirty.
[23:23] <+jessi_> lol
[23:23] <+jessi_> Yay!
[23:23] <%soundbreaker> How'd you manage to press Shift at the same time, Jessi?
[23:23] <+jessi_> I did?
[23:23] <%soundbreaker> You should clean your keyboard more often, Pytri!
[23:24] <+Pytri> It's my sisterrrr's.
[23:24] <%soundbreaker> ...eeeeeeww.
[23:24] <%soundbreaker> What's she been doing on it to make it so dirty?
[23:24] <+Pytri> ... I just thought about that.
[23:24] <+Pytri> I don't wanna know. D:
[23:24] <%soundbreaker> ...don't answer that

[02:40] <%soundbreaker> We've all been waiting for ya, Christman!
[02:41] <+TheRedAlchemist> thats why i tied him to the chair...
[02:41] * TheRedAlchemist hands the duct tape off to soundbreaker
[02:42] <+jessi_> Indeed
[02:42] * soundbreaker makes wallet out of duct tape
[02:42] <%soundbreaker> Hooray! A place to put my loose money!

[23:31] <%soundbreaker> Ryan Reynolds and Chris Evans, the utility players of Comic Book Movies

[01:08] * christmas4477 summons Amui
[01:08] == Amui [~Amui@Rizon-D9C8D954.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #918thefan
[01:08] == mode/#918thefan [+v Amui] by GlaD0S
[01:09] <@christmas4477> HA

Zero Gravity 11-07-2010 04:13 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[18:01] <+iBEveryBORED> zombrex
[18:01] <+iBEveryBORED> It's the gift... of life.
[18:01] <+Cameron> Where is Aeri...
[18:02] <+Cameron> I guess afk?
[18:02] <+Zero_Gravity> Zombrex is impossible
[18:02] == moonhawk81 [qwebirc@88577858.69C0EBD4.5E29A6C9.IP] has joined #918thefan
[18:02] == mode/#918thefan [+v moonhawk81] by GlaD0S
[18:02] <+Zero_Gravity> from watching Dead Rising live action series
[18:02] <+Zero_Gravity> it has to be
[18:03] == TheRedAlchemist [qwebirc@Rizon-EF7D8B03.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has quit [Quit: Rizon webchat: http://qchat.rizon.net]
[18:03] <+iBEveryBORED> Esqueeze me?
[18:03] <+iBEveryBORED> It is very much real.
[18:03] <+Zero_Gravity> Asprin is NOT Zombrex
[18:03] <+iBEveryBORED> My WIFE takes Zombrex! Are you denying that I ave giver a daily shot just to prevent her death!?
[18:04] <+iBEveryBORED> You sir, are disgusting.
[18:04] <+iBEveryBORED> *to give her
[18:04] <+Zero_Gravity> woah woah woah woah woah
[18:04] <+Zero_Gravity> Your married?
[18:04] <+iBEveryBORED> Yes! She was bitten!
[18:04] <+Zero_Gravity> To a WOMAN?
[18:04] <+iBEveryBORED> I'm a guy...
[18:04] <+Zero_Gravity> I stand by my statement
[18:04] <+iBEveryBORED> ...

soundbreaker 11-08-2010 09:07 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[01:58] <+GracefulDisaster> Kusari: Was I mistaken, or did I hear it was your birthday? >3>
[01:58] <+Kusari> It is!
[01:58] <+GracefulDisaster> :DDD
[01:58] <+GracefulDisaster> OTANJOUBI OMIDETA!
[01:58] <+GracefulDisaster> (=Happy bithday in Japanese)
[01:59] <%soundbreaker> Bon Anniversaire!
[01:59] <+GracefulDisaster> *birth
[01:59] <+GracefulDisaster> XD
[01:59] <+Kusari> Thank you! xD
[01:59] <+GracefulDisaster> Feliz Compleanos!
[01:59] <%soundbreaker> *French
[01:59] <+GracefulDisaster> *Spanish
[01:59] <%soundbreaker> Happy B'Day Mate!
[01:59] <%soundbreaker> * Australian
[01:59] <+GracefulDisaster> XD

Kate 11-09-2010 09:19 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)

Originally Posted by Kate (Post 19397)
* Chibi-Katanashi licks the watermelon juice off twilldo's sh**
<+Drago142222> welcome back kate
<+Chibi-Katanashi> shirt*
<+Chibi-Katanashi> wow
<@twilly> O_O
<+Chibi-Katanashi> bad typo is bad
<@twilly> LOL

Remember that? Now something different:

<+JollyGr33nGiant> this is going to be my first listen in on christmas sh**
<+JollyGr33nGiant> shift
<+JollyGr33nGiant> sorry shift
<+Kate-> xD
<+JollyGr33nGiant> *facepalm*
<+JollyGr33nGiant> i'm sorry

EagleEyes 11-11-2010 04:05 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<@twilly> .starfish
<@Brie> This question is worth: 1 points.
<@Brie> Unscramble me this: SZUIENH
<@EagleEyes> Shizune
<@Brie> EagleEyes is correct! The Answer was: Shizune. EagleEyes gets: 1 points.
<@twilly> XD
<%Sailor-Moon> ....
<@EagleEyes> .score
<@Brie> EagleEyes's score is: 1.
<@EagleEyes> YAY!
<@twilly> <3

soundbreaker 11-11-2010 09:03 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[23:09] <%Breakers_American_Peep> We all know that Australians are restricted to add "Mate" to the end of every sentence that is directed at an individual.
[23:09] <+jessi_> lol
[23:09] <%HikuAHKUE> lol
[23:09] <%soundbreaker> That's not true, mate.
[23:09] <+Toonpenguin> ha ha XD

EagleEyes 11-14-2010 07:13 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<@EagleEyes> Lite
<@EagleEyes> Look what i found
<@EagleEyes> http://918thefan.com/forums/showthre...2520#post22520
<@litespeed> :O
<@litespeed> :'D thanks guys! :D
<@LeviathanMist> <3
<+withasigh> <3
<+KaelemGaen> <3
<@EagleEyes> <3
<@litespeed> <3

soundbreaker 11-16-2010 04:32 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[23:32] <+Satine> I feel the obsessive urge to do the opposite of what everyone tells me to
[23:32] <+Satine> it's a medical condition
[23:32] * Satine nods
[23:32] <%soundbreaker> DON'T GIVE ME MONEY!

[23:40] <+Splinton> i was talking about warcraft 2 with a mate back in the day, reminiscing
[23:40] <+Splinton> kid overheard and goes
[23:40] <+Splinton> "OMG They're making a sequel to world of warcraft?!"
[23:41] <+Splinton> i cried inside

[00:00] <@LeviathanMist> I want you to define "O"
[00:00] <%Breaker-Breaker> "O"?
[00:01] <@LeviathanMist> yes
[00:01] <@LeviathanMist> "O"
[00:01] <%Breaker-Breaker> Oh
[00:01] <@LeviathanMist> it is a word now

[23:33] <@soundbreaker> GENTLEMEN
[23:33] <+SoulArbiter> YES!
[23:33] <@soundbreaker> CORN!
[23:33] <+SoulArbiter> GENTLEMEN!
[23:33] <+SoulArbiter> MENTLEGEN!
[23:33] <@soundbreaker> GONTLEMOON!
[23:33] <+SoulArbiter> FALCONMEN!
[23:33] <@soundbreaker> HAKUMEN!
[23:33] <+SoulArbiter> Oh deary me...
[23:33] <+SoulArbiter> LOL
[23:33] <+SoulArbiter> HAHAHAHA
[23:33] <+SoulArbiter> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[23:33] <+SoulArbiter> Well played, good sir!

[00:24] <+CrisisCoreXR3> ill make stupidbreaker even stupider
[00:24] * CrisisCoreXR3 slaps stupidbreaker with a big red brick
[00:24] == stupidbreaker has changed nick to smartbreaker
[00:24] <+CrisisCoreXR3> whutttt
[00:24] <+CrisisCoreXR3> how does that work
[00:24] <+CrisisCoreXR3> i hit him with a brick and he gets smarter
[00:24] <+smartbreaker> Don't you know? If you hit bricks with your head, you get a power-up!
[00:24] <%Sailor-Moon> *snerk*
[00:24] <@DSi> You fixed his brain. Much like how violence fixes TVs

[00:30] <+CrisisCoreXR3> smartbreaker. 1:40am AEST. heartattack
[00:30] <+CrisisCoreXR3> save deathnote.txt
[00:30] <+CrisisCoreXR3> exit all windows
[00:30] <@DSi> Breaker has a heart?
[00:30] <+Toonpenguin> lifenote : smartbreaker 1:39 developes a cure to stop heart attacks
[00:30] <+CrisisCoreXR3> yes
[00:31] <+CrisisCoreXR3> its just grey
[00:31] <+smartbreaker> It's in a jar around here somewhere...
[00:31] <%Sailor-Moon> LOL

[01:11] <+smartassbreaker> ABS - Albino Black Sheep
[01:11] <+CrisisCoreXR3> no
[01:11] <+CrisisCoreXR3> abingdon school boys
[01:11] <+CrisisCoreXR3> boys school*
[01:12] <+CrisisCoreXR3> u played it t the start
[01:12] <+CrisisCoreXR3> before the radio broke
[01:12] <+CrisisCoreXR3> u played howlong
[01:12] <+CrisisCoreXR3> howling*
[01:12] <+smartassbreaker> How Long?
[01:12] <+CrisisCoreXR3> about 3+ hours
[01:13] <+smartassbreaker> Heh, well done
[01:13] <+CrisisCoreXR3> whuts well done
[01:13] * smartassbreaker facepalms.

[01:28] <+Toonpenguin> soundbreaker just did 70 pushups
[01:28] <+Aeri> HA
[01:28] <+Aeri> nice
[01:29] <%soundbreaker> fingers... bad
[01:29] <+Toonpenguin> challenge :enjoy a week of no push ups
[01:29] <%soundbreaker> hurt much
[01:30] <+Gunzy> It was an evil pun
[01:30] <%soundbreaker> CHA;llebNAGE ACCIU{TED
[01:30] <+Toonpenguin> ha ha

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