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EagleEyes 08-13-2010 03:51 AM

Re: Chat Quotes
* @EagleEyes is putting the beat down on cancer
<@Litespeed> xD
<@Litespeed> can I cancer kick too? :D
<@EagleEyes> YES
<@EagleEyes> : D
<+LeviathanMist> I eat cancer for breakfast
*** Litespeed kicked Chibi-Katanashi from the channel: Chibi-Katanashi
*** Chibi-Katanashi has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +v Chibi-Katanashi
* @Litespeed used CANCER BEATDOWN
<@Litespeed> it was super effective o.o
<@EagleEyes> Take that Cancer
<+LeviathanMist> Falcon kick!

<@EagleEyes> LETS GO
<@EagleEyes> LETS GOGO
*** Jubilee has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
<@EagleEyes> Not literally <.<

Zehutsumei 08-16-2010 06:04 PM

Re: Chat Quotes
<+Amui> Its not my fault i keep getting complete idiots on my team in LoL.
<+Cameron> It is
<+Amui> Like, literally been playing nearly all day and just won the first game of the day.
<+Amui> and i broke my back carrying the entire team
<@Jubilee> Giggity.
<+Amui> Giggity indeed
<+Amui> But the point is made none the less.
<@Jubilee> Brokeback Amui D:
<+Amui> Only if EE is the other Cowboy
<@Jubilee> O.O
<+Amui> or maybe Kibs
<+Amui> or maybe Jubs
<+Amui> or maybe Chris
<+Amui> or maybe Twillberton.

Drago142222 08-16-2010 10:09 PM

Re: Chat Quotes
Tue[12:59a] <~Kibs> .op eagleeyes
Tue[12:59a] * GlaD0S sets mode: +o EagleEyes
Tue[12:59a] * EagleEyes sets mode: +h SaiQ
Tue[12:59a] * EagleEyes sets mode: +h Cameron|Sleep
Tue[12:59a] * EagleEyes sets mode: +h Zero|Nap
Tue[01:00a] <%SaiQ> o.o
Tue[01:00a] <+Drago142222> lolololol
Tue[01:00a] * %SaiQ strikes a pose

Zero Gravity 08-17-2010 09:30 PM

Re: Chat Quotes

[00:21] <+Zero_Gravity> here my suggestion
[00:21] <+Nirvash_Redemption> CERU!
[00:21] <+Cameron> You're much better at this then me
[00:21] <+Zero_Gravity> get bitten by a radioactive spider, get super powers
[00:21] <+Zero_Gravity> create enemies
[00:21] <+Zero_Gravity> reveal she is you "eye sparkle"
[00:22] <+Zero_Gravity> then get them to trap her in a taxi
[00:22] <+Nirvash_Redemption> ....'facepalm x5'
[00:22] <+Zero_Gravity> beat up enemies
[00:22] <+Zero_Gravity> save girl
[00:22] <+Zero_Gravity> now...
[00:22] <+Zero_Gravity> the only problem is...
[00:22] * Chibi-Katanashi facepalms
[00:22] <+Zero_Gravity> where do we find a taxi...
[00:22] <+Cameron> ...

EagleEyes 08-18-2010 08:43 AM

Re: Chat Quotes
<+Atom_> umm yeah i used to work for them here in vegas..so i've seen australians every day i went to work :)
<@EagleEyes> I have taught my friend Christmas here to be very Australian
<@EagleEyes> Watch him go
<+Atom_> ok go
<@christmas4477> Crikey! An Eagle!
<+Atom_> lol!
<@christmas4477> I'm gonna shove me finger up it's bumhole
<+Atom_> <claps>

Camajak 08-18-2010 02:23 PM

Re: Chat Quotes
[17:15] <+Cameron> *pokes*
[17:16] * Kanashimi karate chops
[17:16] <+Cameron> Ow
[17:16] <@Jubilee> Critical Hit!
[17:16] <+Cameron> There's a hole in my wall again...
[17:16] <+Camajak> .-.
[17:16] <+LeviathanMist> It's super effective!

Don't mess with Kana

Cameron 08-18-2010 02:32 PM

Re: Chat Quotes
(5:21:35 PM) Camajak: wow
(5:21:52 PM) Camajak: it's translated in Italian, French, Spanish, and of course Jap, but NO
(5:21:53 PM) Camajak: ENGLISH
(5:22:03 PM) ***Camajak flails around
(5:22:50 PM) Cameron: Yelling, and saying wow? If you start everything you say with someone's name, I'd mistake you for Drago!


Cameron 08-18-2010 10:25 PM

Re: Chat Quotes
(1:15:51 AM) Kibs: 8 . :-)
(1:15:54 AM) Kibs: 8 :-)
(1:16:00 AM) Kibs: 8:-)
(1:16:05 AM) Kibs: 8-)
(1:16:07 AM) Kibs: deal with it

Nothing else before or after, explaining why this happened, matters.

Zehutsumei 08-19-2010 03:07 PM

Re: Chat Quotes
<&Kanashimi> Beans > Current letter is "S"
<+Amui> Stray
<@Rocco> Sneakman
<&Kanashimi> Sneakman > Current letter is "N"
<+Amui> WHAT
* &Kanashimi puts on her cool shades
<+Amui> Cheater

Zehutsumei 08-19-2010 03:13 PM

Re: Chat Quotes
<&Kanashimi> Gee > Current letter is "E"
<+Zehutsumei> Every Fight
<&Kanashimi> But it's probably translated
<+Amui> XD
<+LeviathanMist> Egao no Riyuu
<&Kanashimi> That song is banned

************************************************** *****

<&Kanashimi> Dance > Current letter is "E"
<+Amui> Every.....oh wait
* &Kanashimi slaps

First rule of Every Fight: Don't Talk about Every Fight

Zehutsumei 08-19-2010 03:22 PM

Re: Chat Quotes
* @christmas4477 explodes
* @christmas4477 (~chatzilla@Rizon-914177D7.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Even death can't cure stupidity...)
<@DSi> Exploding is my thing. :|
<+Amui> Giggity...

ClearMetalVoltar 08-19-2010 06:39 PM

Re: Chat Quotes
[09:29] <@twilly> Awww man. My blue cocnut slush is turning to cruddy water-flavored ice now. ;_;
[09:29] * Camajak|RedDead goes off to the forums
[09:29] <@twilly> coconut*
[09:29] <+ZshadowX> mango
[09:29] <+Cameron> My house key is sharp
[09:29] <+cmv> lmao blue cocnut
[09:30] <+Zero_Gravity> i r back
[09:30] <+Zero_Gravity> in style
[09:30] <+LeviathanMist> You should've eaten it faster :P

i see whut u did thur#nyahnyah

Leviathan Mist 08-20-2010 04:12 AM

Re: Chat Quotes

[03:52] <+EagleEyes> nom nom nom nom nom
[03:54] <+LeviathanMist> what choo nom'ing about?
[03:54] <+EagleEyes> Noms
[03:54] <+EagleEyes> :D
[03:55] * EagleEyes (~EagleEyes@Rizon-6DE97454.sbr800.nsw.optusnet.com.au) Quit ( Quit: AWAY! )
[03:56] <+LeviathanMist> bah, I was gonna remind him of grapes
[03:56] * EagleEyes (~EagleEyes@Rizon-6DE97454.sbr800.nsw.optusnet.com.au) has joined #918thefan
[03:56] * GlaD0S sets mode +v EagleEyes for #918thefan
[04:01] <+LeviathanMist> Hey EE
[04:01] <+LeviathanMist> grapes
[04:01] <+LeviathanMist> :P
[04:04] <+EagleEyes> :o
[04:04] <+EagleEyes> They didn't have any
[04:04] <+EagleEyes> because it is winter
[04:04] <+EagleEyes> :(
grapes :D

christmas4477 08-20-2010 08:25 AM

Amui> Zombies.
christmas4477> Vampires
Amui> Lawns.
Bonediddly> Soft drinks.
Amui> Sparkles.
christmas4477> Carbos
Amui> Bananas
Bonediddly> Orangutans
Amui> Turtles
christmas4477> Antidisestablishmentarianism
Amui> Trains.
christmas4477> Octopus
Amui> Verne the Caterpie
christmas4477> This was a fun game of word disassociation
Amui> Yep
Amui> It also spurred activity in the dead IRC, my mission here is accomplished
christmas4477> You know what made it best?
Amui> Turtles?
christmas4477> No one interrupted with a lolololol
Amui> Wow, you're right
Amui> What is this i don't even

Leviathan Mist 08-20-2010 11:05 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[22:54] <+LeviathanMist> woo Elisa <3
[22:55] <+DarkReturns> pyschic! :o
[22:55] <+LeviathanMist> She will have my babies if Minori Chihara won't
[22:55] <+LeviathanMist> :o
[22:55] * EagleEyes (~EagleEyes@Rizon-331C4D1E.sbr800.nsw.optusnet.com.au) Quit ( Quit: AWAY! )
[22:55] <+LeviathanMist> This is the opening theme to ef - a tale of melodies,by the way :P
[22:56] <+DarkReturns> never watched it... i think
[22:56] <+DarkReturns> I can see the headlines now...
[22:56] <+DarkReturns> "Man arrested after asking to have Elisa babies"
[22:56] <+LeviathanMist> ahaha
[22:56] <+LeviathanMist> I'm not THAT bad
[22:57] <+DarkReturns> Asked why he did it... he responds "Because MinoriChihara wouldn't!"

EagleEyes 08-21-2010 05:53 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<+Cameron> Guys guys!
<+Cameron> I was able...
<+Cameron> TO WASH MY HAIR
<@EagleEyes> :o
<+Cameron> awesomeface.jpeg
<@EagleEyes> Did you wash the rest of you?
<@Litespeed> congrats!
<@Litespeed> xD
<@EagleEyes> Or just the hair?
<+Padfootlet> lol
<+Cameron> ...
<+Cameron> Brb, shower

<@EagleEyes> Hmmmmm
* @EagleEyes bakes a cake
<+Tsundere> CAKE~
<@EagleEyes> STAND BACK
<+Tsundere> 0_0 OH MY GAWD
<@EagleEyes> o.o
<@EagleEyes> Hurricake
<@EagleEyes> D:
<@EagleEyes> Scarifying
<+Tsundere> 0_0 Dangerous yet tasty
<@EagleEyes> The frosting
<@EagleEyes> It burns!
<+Tsundere> irony
<@EagleEyes> Sweet tasty irony

Amui 08-25-2010 08:06 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<+Amui> I like how Highschool of the Dead pretty much just replaces all of its episode titles with Something OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> Its all like.....Turtles OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> or Marshmellows....OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> or Childrens Carnival Rides OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Fanservice of the Dead!
<+Gannon|undead> lol
<+Amui> Pokemon OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Childrens Card Games on Motorcycles of the Dead!
<+Gannon|undead> Shawn .... nope taken
<+Amui> Wolfs OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> IRC of the Dead.
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Banhammer of the Dead.
<+Amui> Liquor OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Kana of the Dead!
<+Amui> Television OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Dead of the Dead!
<+Cameron> Liquor of the dead... I like the sound of that...
<+Amui> Elephants OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Sammich of the Dead!
<+Amui> Cerulaine OF THE DEAD!
<+Gannon|undead> Panstu OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> Tavern OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Giant Robots of the Dead!
<+Amui> Belly Buttons OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Revolution of the Dead, actually sounds like a legit title.
<+Amui> Tazers OF THE DEAD!
<+Gannon|undead> Chainsaws OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> Mikuru Beamu OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Lasers of the Dead!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Haruhi of the Dead!
<+Gannon|undead> HADOKEN! OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> Weddings OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Chuck Norris of the Dead!
<+Gannon|undead> SHORYUKEN! OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> Old Spice Guy OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> Deodorant OF THE DEAD!
<+Gannon|undead> Body Odor OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> Dances with Wolves OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> Bill Murray OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> Ghostbusters OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Horse of the Dead!
<+Amui> Bananas OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Boat of the Dead!
<+Gannon|undead> City OF THE DEAD!
*** grimdefeat has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +v grimdefeat
<+Amui> Celtic Guardian OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Kuribohs of the Dead!
<+Gannon|undead> Dave OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> Lawn Gnomes OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Blues-Eyes White Dragons of the Dead!
<+sakura10163> Gregory OF THE DEAD! (inside joke)
<+Gannon|undead> Swords OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Jockeys of the Dead!
<+Amui> Mudkips OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Falcon Punches of the Dead!
<+Gannon|undead> 4Chan OF THE DEAD
<+sakura10163> haruhi kick OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> Vacuums OF THE DEAD!
*** moopie has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +v moopie
<+Amui> Lamp OF THE DEAD!
*** moopie has quit IRC:
<+Gannon|undead> Crashman OF THE DEAD!
<+sakura10163> pencil OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> Kool-Aid OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Sexual Acts of the Dead!
<+Amui> : |
<+sakura10163> randomness OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> I broke Amui.
<+sakura10163> =w=
* +DarkPhoenixMishima duct tapes Amui.
<+Gannon|undead> War OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> it is borked OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> Someone should chat quote this.
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Boobies of the Dead!
<+sakura10163> undead OF THE DEAD!
<+Amui> also: C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER
<+Gannon|undead> UUUULLLTRAAA COMBO!
<+sakura10163> combo breaker OF THE DEAD!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Ducks of the Dead.

Drago142222 08-27-2010 02:12 PM

Fri[04:42p] * +MrPopo (Chibi-Kata@po.pipo.pipo.popipo) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +noobiesnack (~Better@Rizon-C1036236.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * &Raug (~raug@yuri.no.kyoukai) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * ~Kibs (~Kibs@91.8TheFan) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +Gannon133 (~chatzilla@Rizon-CFE09468.mia.bellsouth.net) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * &Kanashimi (~Kanashimi@Rizon-9017640.lv.lv.cox.net) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * @AnarchoElk (~a@91.8TheFan) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * &GlaD0S (EvilAI@This.Cake.Is.Great.Its.So.Delicious.and.Mo ist) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +Nirvash_Redemption (qwebirc@Rizon-DA06D2CF.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +Amui (~Amui@Rizon-FBC30D0F.sc.res.rr.com) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * @Jubilee (qwebirc@EF70A887.49DA9C29.61F78F44.IP) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +Cerulaine_ (~Cerulaine@Rizon-A58642D4.lv.lv.cox.net) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +SaiQ (~SaiQ@Rizon-79654A.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +Saku|Awayz (qwebirc@Rizon-43937729.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +Neon|Aika (qwebirc@Rizon-C90FEC7E.washdc.east.verizon.net) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * &Hiiragi (~Raug@yuri.no.kyoukai) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +LeviathanMist (~Leviathan@Rizon-8B376959.hsd1.or.comcast.net) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +KaelemGaen (~user@on.chessboard.one.wonderland) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +Syhshen (~syhshen@Rizon-FBE01A3E.twcny.res.rr.com) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +Momo___ (~Momo@Rizon-A72D42D3.twcny.res.rr.com) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +Cameron (~Cameron@Rizon-A7C7BEB0.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +Tsundere (cgiirc@Rizon-C46CE214.range86-131.btcentralplus.com) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +Mathes (~Mathes@furniture.for.world.domination) Quit (*.net *.split)
Fri[04:42p] * +Shiki-san (~Shiki-san@Rizon-3EA7D832.pools.arcor-ip.

Fri[04:58p] <+Camajak|Busy> a few others use trillian, don't they?
Fri[04:58p] <+Camajak|Busy> But seriously, this is just WEIRD
Fri[04:58p] <+Camajak|Busy> AND NO ONE HAS COME BACK
Fri[04:59p] <+Camajak|Busy> there must be, like, something seriously wrong .-.
Fri[04:59p] * Cameron (~Cameron@Rizon-A7C7BEB0.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * LeviathanMist (~Leviathan@Rizon-8B376959.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * Hiiragi (~Raug@yuri.no.kyoukai) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * irc.cyberdynesystems.net sets mode: +vvao Cameron LeviathanMist Hiiragi Hiiragi
Fri[04:59p] * Neon|Aika (qwebirc@Rizon-C90FEC7E.washdc.east.verizon.net) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * Mathes (~Mathes@furniture.for.world.domination) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * Airwolve (~Airwolf@76B1F895.7912B3F0.12E635F0.IP) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * Saku|Awayz (qwebirc@Rizon-43937729.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * irc.cyberdynesystems.net sets mode: +vvvv Neon|Aika Mathes Airwolve Saku|Awayz
Fri[04:59p] * Syhshen (~syhshen@Rizon-FBE01A3E.twcny.res.rr.com) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * SaiQ (~SaiQ@Rizon-79654A.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * Cerulaine_ (~Cerulaine@Rizon-A58642D4.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * Shiki-san (~Shiki-san@Rizon-3EA7D832.pools.arcor-ip.net) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * irc.cyberdynesystems.net sets mode: +vvvv Syhshen SaiQ Cerulaine_ Shiki-san
Fri[04:59p] * Jubilee (qwebirc@EF70A887.49DA9C29.61F78F44.IP) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * Amui (~Amui@Rizon-FBC30D0F.sc.res.rr.com) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * Tsundere (cgiirc@Rizon-C46CE214.range86-131.btcentralplus.com) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * KaelemGaen (~user@Rizon-F386190D.lightspeed.milwwi.sbcglobal.net) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * irc.cyberdynesystems.net sets mode: +ovvv Jubilee Amui Tsundere KaelemGaen
Fri[04:59p] * noobiesnack (~Better@Rizon-C1036236.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * Kibs (~Kibs@91.8TheFan) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * MrPopo (Chibi-Kata@po.pipo.pipo.popipo) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * irc.cyberdynesystems.net sets mode: +vqov noobiesnack Kibs Kibs MrPopo
Fri[04:59p] * Raug (~raug@yuri.no.kyoukai) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * Kanashimi (~Kanashimi@Rizon-9017640.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * irc.cyberdynesystems.net sets mode: +aoao Raug Raug Kanashimi Kanashimi
Fri[04:59p] * AnarchoElk (~a@91.8TheFan) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * GlaD0S (EvilAI@This.Cake.Is.Great.Its.So.Delicious.and.Mo ist) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * Nirvash_Redemption (qwebirc@D839F03F.A1536BBD.37BB1391.IP) has joined #918thefan
Fri[04:59p] * irc.cyberdynesystems.net sets mode: +oaov AnarchoElk GlaD0S GlaD0S Nirvash_Redemption

Zehutsumei 08-27-2010 05:52 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<~Kibs> chun li is a tranny
* @EagleEyes cheers

Speaks for itself really.

christmas4477 08-30-2010 10:35 AM

Nirvash_Redemption> What the bleeding hell is moe moe camp? O.o
christmas4477> A camp... where they teach you to be a K-on character?
christmas4477> Also, I can't not hear the phrase 'bleeding hell' in my head in a British accent
Nirvash_Redemption> It's how i say it normally IRL
christmas4477> It sounds like 'Wot the bleedin' 'ell'
Nirvash_Redemption> lol

christmas4477> 'I'll play Salsa Bazaar, it sounds like it'll be a good song' Don't let me choose songs when I'm half asleep again
Nirvash_Redemption> lol
ketaro> Salsa Bazaar....
Airwolve> couldn't you guess from "salsa"?
christmas4477> Half
christmas4477> Asleep
christmas4477> Me
ketaro> Ham?
ketaro> mm....ham
christmas4477> Yes ketaro. Ham
ketaro> :)

All the best stuff happens during my shift lately.

christmas4477> Dragonball Z. With Sean Schemmel as Goku, Sonny Straight as Krillin, Kyle Hebert as Gohan, and Chris Sabat as everybody else
Amui> Chris Sabat as Chi Chi?
christmas4477> Best dub ever
Amui> I'd prefer Travis Willingham as Chi Chi
christmas4477> Have you seen that one video
christmas4477> With Travis as a drag queen?
Amui> No
iNeku> Me neither
christmas4477> Lemme go find it
christmas4477> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vu95M2Xy2Ig
christmas4477> There it is
Amui> Oh god why
iNeku> I hate it when I have to mute winamp with 918 going. Oh well.
christmas4477> "I LOVE DRAG!"
iNeku> Yikes.
christmas4477> There's also a video of Todd Haberkorn in an episode of Barney
Amui> Huh, Travis Willingham was in Secondhand Lions?
christmas4477> On stilts
christmas4477> It was at that point when I shook my head and said, "This man needs more voice roles at Funimation"
iNeku> Well I uhh...can´t but agree there.

Leviathan Mist 08-31-2010 06:04 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[17:50:51] <+DarkReturns> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xraif6nmX20 i thought it sound megamanish
[17:56:15] <@ANARCHOELK> A*

Uh, whoops? :P

Cameron 09-01-2010 08:29 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
Amui just found out that he can kick peeps, and did so:

(11:19:54 PM) Amui: MY FIRST KICK, EE
(11:20:03 PM) ***Amui single tear
(11:20:09 PM) EagleEyes: BUT DRAGO WAS RIGHT THERE
(11:20:14 PM) Amui: Yeah i missed him

Zero Gravity 09-02-2010 10:49 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[13:42] <%Amui> We need real 2v2 WiFi battles
[13:42] <%Amui> without computers
[13:43] <+Zero_Gravity> sooooooo Zero + Christmas vs Amui + ketaro in a fist fight?
[13:43] <+ketaro> Wait what?
[13:43] <+Zero_Gravity> Christmas get infront of me and use a knuckle sandwich attack!
[13:44] <@christmas4477> Can do!
[13:44] * ketaro cringes.

Cameron 09-03-2010 08:44 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
(11:33:14 AM) Cameron: Jubi!
(11:33:21 AM) Jubilee: Cam!
(11:33:25 AM) EagleEyes: EE!
(11:33:32 AM) Cameron: Twilly!
(11:33:33 AM) Jubilee: Loretta!
(11:33:45 AM) EagleEyes: Shaneequa!
(11:33:49 AM) Cameron: Spongebob!
(11:33:53 AM) Jubilee: Matilda!
(11:33:57 AM) EagleEyes: Lotton!
(11:34:07 AM) Jubilee: You duck nao please
(11:34:30 AM) Cameron: *turns into a duck*
(11:34:39 AM) Jubilee: :O
(11:34:42 AM) Cameron: QUACK

EagleEyes 09-04-2010 09:11 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
*** Kanashimi is now known as Kroze
<+Cameron> *gasp*
* +Chibi-Miku never dies
<@EagleEyes> Kana and Kroze are the one person
<+Cameron> OMG
<@EagleEyes> o.o
<@EagleEyes> Well i never...
<+Cameron> CREEPY
<+Chibi-Miku> my phone even says i never die
<+Chibi-Miku> =P
<+Zehutsumei> Mishima: How long did that intro take?
<~Kroze> I would like to say thank you to all my loyal minions out there who are generously donating their minds to be part of the Kroze Kollective
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Um... one hour and a half to make it.
* +Chibi-Miku noms on Kroze's brain
<+iBEveryBORED> well i think im gonna play olblivion now
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Then another 15 minutes to redo it.
<+Zehutsumei> Looks good
<+iBEveryBORED> im 7 hours overdue
<~Kroze> We shall shatter the bumbling british's hopes and dreams
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Then half hour to render it.
<@EagleEyes> Dear lord
<+iBEveryBORED> terrible work ethic -_-
<+Erinovauch> i randomly call upon the power of anime law 28
<+iBEveryBORED> not law 28!!!
<@EagleEyes> K-Man, Special K, Little K and Kroze
<+Chibi-Miku> wait... why is there no brain in Kroze's skull? o.o
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> All hail Kroze, the almighty and epic!
<@EagleEyes> So many K's
<@EagleEyes> k4 it would be
<+Cameron> Kool Kids Klub
<+iBEveryBORED> K-K-Kana
*** Chibi-Miku is now known as Chibi-Katanashi
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Offer up your first born son to master Kroze.
<+Chibi-Katanashi> how about chibi-k?
<+iBEveryBORED> i say BryanQuebone
<+Cameron> Kana's Kool Kids Klub
<+iBEveryBORED> shall be your new name
<@EagleEyes> All in favor to give Drago to Kroze?
<+Chibi-Katanashi> aye
*** DarkPhoenixMishima is now known as LoyalFollowerofKroze
<@EagleEyes> Say Ai~in!
<+Cameron> YES
<+Kate|Away> Aye!
<+LoyalFollowerofKroze> ALL HAIL KROZE!
<+Cameron> Ai~in!
<+iBEveryBORED> I said BryanQuebone!
<+Kate|Away> Ai~in?
<+iBEveryBORED> Ai~in?
<~Kroze> Thank you very much... at dawn we shall stage our epic plot to finish off this british rebellion
<+iBEveryBORED> oh no
<+iBEveryBORED> not that song
<+Cameron> ALL OPPOSED?!
<+iBEveryBORED> NO!
<+Cameron> NO ONE?
<+Cameron> OKAY
<+LoyalFollowerofKroze> Long live Kroze!
*** LoyalFollowerofKroze is now known as DarkPhoenixMishima
<@EagleEyes> Drago is now the property of Yugioh Abridged.
<+Erinovauch> # law 28 Law of Technological User-Benevolence The formal training required to operate a spaceship or mecha is inversely proportional to its complexity. i call upon this to aid me in serving Kroze
<+Drago142222> i am not
<@EagleEyes> We have done it people
*** Gannon133 has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +v Gannon133
<+Cameron> *tags and bags Drago* TAKE HIM
<@EagleEyes> We have won the internet!
<+Erinovauch> again? what will i do with another internet?
* +Drago142222 laughs as cameron tags and bags the clone hexx made for me before he left
<+Chibi-Katanashi> man, where is an IRCop when we needa re-name Drago142222 to "Drago|propertyofkroze"
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> No, you have won 25% of the internet. The rest belongs solely to Kroze.
<@EagleEyes> Drago, you are now Kroze's property
<+Erinovauch> what about the other 4 internets i own
<+Zehutsumei> I believe Verne has a share?
<+Gannon133> what the hell is he doing here?
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Be grateful you get that much 918.
<+Drago142222> kroze is a kool person but nah
<+Cameron> Next time I play Old maid, that card is gonna be named Drago
<@EagleEyes> Best get to Vegas
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Old Drago.
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Old Maid
<+Drago142222> im gonna stay my own person
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Old Spice.
<+Chibi-Katanashi> DarkPhoenixMishima: but i own %50. <_<
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> No.
<+Cameron> The old maid used old spice
<+Erinovauch> depends you paying the air fare?
<+Cameron> Next in line is Drago
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> I'm already in hell Kroze... do I have to go deeper?
<~Kroze> Also... Drago... you will be the first to fall come the New Kroze Order (TM)
<+Erinovauch> Kroze are you gonna pay the air fare?
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Kana owns your share Chibi.
<+Gannon133> there are 8 circles of hell so yeah, deeper
<+Chibi-Katanashi> well... there are some people i needa kill in britland... but... meh
<+Cameron> I'm on Lk's side, but Kroze is tempting me
<+Chibi-Katanashi> DarkPhoenixMishima: uhm... no
<~Kroze> You will be reimbursed after our epic victory Erin
<+Erinovauch> Lies there are NINE levels of Hell
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> I'm on the 12th circle at the moment. Yeah Satan thought nine weren't enough for me.
* +DarkReturns is justice!
* +DarkPhoenixMishima is evil- I mean justice... yeah...
<+Erinovauch> this is literally true because Hel the goddess of the damned from norse mythology has dominion over NIne levels of the realms of the dead
<+iBEveryBORED> im just so lazy
<+Cameron> Someone thinks rather... wait for it... LOWLY... of themselves
<+Gannon133> hm....I'll get back to you when I read the Divine Comedy
<+iBEveryBORED> llllaaazzzeeeee~~~
<+Cameron> *awesomeface*
<+Chibi-Katanashi> oh god... i thought that was my skype going off
<+Kate|Away> XD
<+Cameron> BO BA BOP BA BOP BA
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Kroze, please inform us of the British man's weakness.
<+Kate|Away> LK can beat you, Kroze!
<+Gannon133> What!!!! the LK vs. Kroze duel is tomorrow?
<+Chibi-Katanashi> ask them about how awesome anime evolution was... because i wasnt able to go this year!
<+iBEveryBORED> im gonna play awesomesauce oblivion
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Super Special Korner.
<+Kate|Away> LIES!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Lol.
<+Kate|Away> Pssh, Kibs can beat you. XD
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Ran with his British tail between his legs.
<+Gannon133> oh, and Kroze had a Kamen Rider Double belt meaning he is awesome
<@EagleEyes> We may not all be hear any more
<+Erinovauch> I shall aid you against them I've got Irish in me so i must aid against the british
<@EagleEyes> EARTH!
<+Erinovauch> FIRE
<+Gannon133> WIND
<+Kate|Away> WATER!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> HEART!
<+Erinovauch> GO PLANET!
<+Kate|Away> GO PLANET!
<@EagleEyes> HUZZAH!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Wait... why do I get heart!? Oh right... GO PLANET!
* @EagleEyes points at C-man
<+Gannon133> GO PLANET
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Kana is your cheerleader Kroze.
<+Cameron> I am?
<+Erinovauch> hey now that you're over 10 the ability to control people's hearts could be useful
<@EagleEyes> .radio
*** Disconnected.
Session Close (#918thefan): Sun Sep 05 12:48:08 2010 1000

Session Start (#918thefan:#918thefan): Sun Sep 05 12:49:34 2010 1000
*** EagleEyes_ has joined #918thefan
*** Topic on #918thefan is: (Link: http://918thefan.com)http://918thefan.com | Where we put the thingo in the thingo. | Newest post: iStalk - 397&8
*** Topic set by christmas4477!~chatzilla@Rizon-914177D7.hsd1.nh.comcast.net (4 hours ago at 8:23 AM)
*** GlaD0S sets mode +v EagleEyes_
<+EagleEyes_> o.o
<+EagleEyes_> I love Australian Internet
<+EagleEyes_> So very much
*** KanaLaptop has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +v KanaLaptop
<+Kate|Away> Poor EE.
<+Cameron> E-MAN, HURRY
<+KanaLaptop> Potato
<+EagleEyes_> T.T
<+Erinovauch> i'm part English, Scottish, Irish, German, no Brython in me
<+KanaLaptop> One last update
<+KanaLaptop> And then we're heading out
<&Raug> .k EagleEyes ACHOO
*** GlaD0S kicked EagleEyes from the channel: ACHOO
<+Gannon133> Mashed Potato?
<+EagleEyes_> XD
*** EagleEyes Nickname is already in use.
*** EagleEyes Nickname is already in use.
<+KanaLaptop> My show will be back on Tuesday, watch for it
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Kana, how much fun are you having?
*** EagleEyes_ is now known as wEEvil
<+wEEvil> My name wont huzzy up and become available again
<+wEEvil> D:
*** Gannon133 is now known as BuraiSolo
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Completely unrelated to anything... (Link: http://i777.photobucket.com/albums/y...Shishigami.png
* +PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB thinks thats cause it doesnt like the EE
* +PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB dropkicks EE
*** Kroze has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
* +wEEvil bites Bob's Face
*** wEEvil is now known as EagleEyes
*** -NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
*** -NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
*** -NickServ- please choose a different nick.
*** EagleEyes sets mode +r
*** -NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized.
*** GlaD0S sets mode +o EagleEyes
*** EagleEyes sets mode +h KanaLaptop
*** Shadoe has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +v Shadoe
<+Erinovauch> I must call upon the power of LAW 11
<+BuraiSolo> well, I am heading out
*** BuraiSolo has quit IRC: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.8/20100722155716]
<+Erinovauch> the Law of Inherent combustability
<+Shadoe> er
<+Shadoe> hi
<+Cameron> Hullo
<%KanaLaptop> A lot of fun
<+Shadoe> I heard LK and all them were playing >.>
<%KanaLaptop> After Mashed Potatos
<%KanaLaptop> We'll go on one last tim
<%KanaLaptop> *time
<+Shadoe> kay
<+Kate|Away> Aww... D:
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Ceru must sing something.
* +PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB thinks kana and ceru should do a duet, or kibs and kroze
<+LucJenson> I thoguht Ceru wasn't here today ._.
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Ceru is with Kana.
<+LucJenson> Wait what
<+LucJenson> She's on right now!? ._>
<+Kate|Away> Kibs and Kroze! YES!
* +LucJenson needs to tune int!
<+Erinovauch> all of them should sing together
<+Kate|Away> Sing for us, please?? :D
<+Cameron> There's no way she'll sing
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Kroze should smack talk in song.
<+Cameron> EVERYONE will beatbox over her
* +LucJenson cheers!
<+Cameron> Just like last time
<+Kate|Away> XD
<+Kate|Away> 1
<+Kate|Away> 2
<+Kate|Away> Get him, LK!
<+Big-Al> What's going on?
<+Kate|Away> Listening to the stream?
<+Erinovauch> KROZE shall defeat the british
<+LucJenson> Wooh!
<+LucJenson> This is awesome xD
<+LucJenson> Total bs
<+LucJenson> British are supreme
<+Kate|Away> LK!
<+Kate|Away> YOU CAN BEAT HIM!
<+Shadoe> Well....
<+Cameron> Woooooooooooo~ LK!
<+Kate|Away> You have my support, at least!
<+LucJenson> British <3
<+Drago142222> YAY GO LK
<+Kate|Away> ,#
<@EagleEyes> Lite and Little K should have a british off.
<+Big-Al> Lk and Kroze are doing a YGO Dual tomorrow?
<+Kate|Away> <3
<+Erinovauch> Kroze has the support of AMERICA
<+Cameron> Awesome!
*** Linh has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +v Linh
<+Kate|Away> Yep.
<+Kate|Away> Pssh.
<+Cameron> Well, that's awesome!
<+Kate|Away> Not my piece of America.
<+Cameron> DARK SAGE?!
<+Cameron> AWESOME!
* +PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB will go with Bob as the winner, bob wont side with kroze or LK
<+Kate|Away> LK has my piece!
<+Kate|Away> WOOT!
*** Linh has quit IRC:
<+Erinovauch> I have to agree with that comment
<+Cameron> NO CARDS FOR YOU!
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Here's Wicked Dreadroot.
<+Erinovauch> about 918 the fan
*** iBEveryBORED has quit IRC: Read error: Connection reset by peer
<+Cameron> Wicked Dreadroot = faaaaaaaaaaaaaail
<@EagleEyes> I will give Kroze a pokemon card!
<+Cameron> Also, yay for LK
<@EagleEyes> USE A SQUIRTLE!
*** iBEveryBORED has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +v iBEveryBORED
<+Kate|Away> :o
<+Drago142222> GO KANA
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Kana wins so much.
<+Cameron> SAY YES!
<+Erinovauch> Kroze I shall give you a Magic Card the Platinum Angel you cannot lose the game and your opponent cannot win
<+Big-Al> Who is that?
<+Cameron> HOLY CARP
*** Big-Al is now known as KaelemGaen
<@EagleEyes> JULIE REI!
<+Kate|Away> ^
<@EagleEyes> Commentor of facebooks
<+Kate|Away> LK!
<@EagleEyes> user of twitter
*** Kate|Away is now known as Kate|TeamLK
*** Cameron is now known as Cameron|TeamLK
*** Scribbles_ has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +v Scribbles_
*** KaelemGaen is now known as Kaelem|TeamLK
<+Cameron|TeamLK> They don't know how too play?!
* +PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB waves at the Scribbles by smashing EE's head into the wall
<+Erinovauch> I call team Miyazaki
<+Cameron|TeamLK> sCRIBS!
<+Cameron|TeamLK> SCRIBS
<+Scribbles_> Yo
<+Cameron|TeamLK> JOIN A TEAM
*** Nerdlinger has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +v Nerdlinger
* +Scribbles_ waves at bob
<+Kate|TeamLK> I want to go! D:
* +PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB thinks Scribbles should join team Bob
<+Nerdlinger> Yugioh sucks
<+Scribbles_> team?
<+Cameron|TeamLK> Team Kroze, or team LK
<@EagleEyes> (Link: http://www.facebook.com/91.8TheFan)h...com/91.8TheFan
<+Erinovauch> will anyone agree with me on team Miyazaki?
<+DarkPhoenixMishima> Transform and roll out, for KROZE!
<+Nerdlinger> Kroze Sucks
<+Cameron|TeamLK> Looking forward to that!
<+Kate|TeamLK> Poor Kana. D:
<+LucJenson> Woah wait what? ._.
* +Scribbles_ doesn't know which team is which
* +LucJenson is confused
<+Kate|TeamLK> LK!
*** DarkPhoenixMishima is now known as DarkPhoenixMishima-TeamKana
*** Scribbles_ is now known as Scribbles-_Team_bob
<+Nerdlinger> your internet show sucks lulz
<+Erinovauch> I must thank my adorable friend who was hugged by Vic mignogna for pointing me to this site this site has been a source of much enjoyment for me for the past 5 months also you guys are awesome
<+DarkPhoenixMishima-TeamKana> Then why are you here if you think it sucks?
<+LucJenson> Erinovauch: You're Canadian!
<@EagleEyes> BAN BAN BAN BAN
<+Nerdlinger> ( `ー´)
<+Erinovauch> nope i'm American
<@EagleEyes> BAN BAN BAN BAN
<+Kate|TeamLK> Awesome! I'm glad you enjoy it! :D
<+Scribbles-_Team_bob> mmm
<@EagleEyes> BAN BAN BAN BAN
<+LucJenson> Erinovauch: How? ._.
<+Erinovauch> i've never been much farther north than VA
<+LucJenson> Erinovauch: Vic's been to like every Canadian convention for the past like 3 years xD
<+Kaelem|TeamLK> IN AMERICA
<+DarkPhoenixMishima-TeamKana> Easy EE, the Banhammer is not a toy... unless Kana wants to make it into a toy.
<+Kate|TeamLK> BAN HIM!
<@EagleEyes> Can't beat nine Can't beat nine No they can't beat nine one point eight
<+Nerdlinger> ( `ー´) so anyone else waiting for Katawa Shoujo
<+Erinovauch> I believe it was at one of New Orleans' anime conventions
<+Nerdlinger> nothing liek cripple girl p0rn
<+Scribbles-_Team_bob> mmm toll
<+Cameron|TeamLK> That's the best you can come up with?
<@EagleEyes> .time
<+Kate|TeamLK> No thank you.
<&Raug> It is currently Sat Sep 04 08:08:10 in PDT (GMT -8)
* +LucJenson points at Nerdlinger's inappropriate word! ;^;
<+Cameron|TeamLK> Troll harder
<+LucJenson> comment**
<+Nerdlinger> Cameron: I am not trolling, Katawa Shoujo is awesome :D
*** EagleEyes kicked Nerdlinger from the channel: MASHIRO KICK!
*** Nerdlinger has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +v Nerdlinger
<@EagleEyes> Think of the children
<+Cameron|TeamLK> Who?
*** kaotic has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +v kaotic
<+Scribbles-_Team_bob> yes children
<+DarkPhoenixMishima-TeamKana> Best kick ever.
<+Kate|TeamLK> I'm a child, thank you. D:
<+DarkPhoenixMishima-TeamKana> That's why I side with Master Eagle.
<@EagleEyes> I won't lose to Hexx and Eagle Cause they're evil Don't confuse me with your Yugi I'm not agro I'm just hiding cerulaine from drago
<+Nerdlinger> Its an OEM Visual Novel about a high school for crippled kids, the main character has a heart condition
<+kaotic> um...hi...?
*** DarkPhoenixMishima-TeamKana is now known as DarkPhoenixMIshima-TeamEE
<@EagleEyes> Stopped Kana, from beating Jubi Squashed Lite's head between her boobies, She kicked their ♫♫♫, kicked their ♫♫♫ Schooled the both, would not let them pass!
<+Scribbles-_Team_bob> xD lol ee
<+Drago142222> um EE you fail
<+kaotic> I'm seeing teams, I'm not sure if I want to be here now
<+Cameron|TeamLK> Oh, that one!
<+Drago142222> if anything u would hide ceru from cam
<+Cameron|TeamLK> That is made of win
<+Nerdlinger> yeah I wasn't making it up
<@EagleEyes> Can't beat nine Can't beat nine No they can't beat nine one eight
<+Erinovauch> EagleEyes that may be the most beautiful piece of poetry i've read recently
<+Cameron|TeamLK> Had to google it
<+DarkPhoenixMIshima-TeamEE> We totally need to write lyrics for 91.8 Poker Face.
<+Chibi-Katanashi> wow... i was singing rap battle in the shower...
<+Chibi-Katanashi> xD
* @EagleEyes has a 91.8 pokerface
<+Nerdlinger> Cameron: I wasn't making it up
<@EagleEyes> and you should all bug Kana to sing it
<+Cameron|TeamLK> I knowz
<+Nerdlinger> I mean its from 4chan, what else do you expect
<+Cameron|TeamLK> Well, now I do, I forogt all about it up till now
<+Nerdlinger> they are still working on it
<+Cameron|TeamLK> Ugh, still?
<+Nerdlinger> Yeah
<+Nerdlinger> They released act 1
<+Cameron|TeamLK> It needs to be completed!
<+Erinovauch> I must mention that What Has Been Seen Cannot Be Unseen
<+Cameron|TeamLK> Oh?
<+Nerdlinger> yeah
<+Cameron|TeamLK> Shweet
<+Nerdlinger> You got Rin, the armless girl, Emi the legless girl, Shizune the deaf mute student body president, misha, her "assistant" blind Lilly, the moe half-burned Hanako
<+Erinovauch> Unfortunately I remember everything i read as well so I cannot unread things
<+Nerdlinger> And you can choose to be with I think any of them
<+Nerdlinger> including the anti-girl male character kenji
*** Kalif has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +v Kalif
<+Erinovauch> greetings Kalif
<+Kaelem|TeamLK> wouldn't it be an OEL VN?
<@EagleEyes> SHIZUNE
<@EagleEyes> WHERE
* @EagleEyes burst in
<+Nerdlinger> Yeah
<+Kate|TeamLK> No, EE.
<+Nerdlinger> I mixed up OEM for a second
<+Kate|TeamLK> Wrong series.
<+Nerdlinger> without realizing it
<@EagleEyes> Ohhh wrong one
<@EagleEyes> T.T
<+Chibi-Katanashi> well... i think i'ma go for a stroll now... >_> bbiab
<+Cameron|TeamLK> I like the part where she is no logner what she was
<+Kalif> Hai and thanks
*** twilly has joined #918thefan
*** GlaD0S sets mode +o twilly
<@EagleEyes> TWILLY!
<+Kalif> just scoring for a place to find songs played on the radio hah
<@twilly> EE!
<+Erinovauch> ZOMG its a Moglin
<@EagleEyes> We have release ownership of Drago over to Kroze
<@EagleEyes> It is such a joyful day
<@EagleEyes> ^^
<@twilly> Wait, what?
<+Cameron|TeamLK> Zroze took him, too!
<+Erinovauch> Twilly do you like cake and fish?
<+Cameron|TeamLK> IT WAS AWESOME
<+Cameron|TeamLK> Oh!
<+Cameron|TeamLK> E-man!
<+Cameron|TeamLK> E-man!
<+Nerdlinger> (Link: http://img183.imageshack.us/i/lilyxs...yxshizune.jpg/ lily on left, shizune on right
<@EagleEyes> C-MAN
<@EagleEyes> C-MAN
<@EagleEyes> ?
<+Cameron|TeamLK> Chat quote that!
<+Kate|TeamLK> Hiya, Twilly. :D
<@EagleEyes> You do it : D
<+Cameron|TeamLK> All the bits and parts
<+Cameron|TeamLK> Of handing Drago over!
<@twilly> Heya Kate. ^^
<+Cameron|TeamLK> I CAN'T DO IT
<+Erinovauch> Well Twilly, do you like Cake and Fish?
<@EagleEyes> WHY D:
<+Nerdlinger> (Link: http://www.myfconline.com/character_...865_128360.jpg Hanako the moe burn victim
<@EagleEyes> fine.....

Leviathan Mist 09-05-2010 05:10 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[04:57:04] <+LeviathanMist> I'll bring grapes
[04:57:09] <+LeviathanMist> just for you :P
[04:57:22] <@EagleEyes> Om Nom!
[04:57:34] <+LeviathanMist> actually...dunno if I should bring grapes, they might go bad on the way
[04:57:47] <@EagleEyes> Probably
[04:57:47] <+LeviathanMist> I'll pick some up at the spermarket when I get there then :P
[04:57:48] <@EagleEyes> XD
[04:57:52] <+LeviathanMist> supermarket*
[04:57:53] <+LeviathanMist> wow
[04:57:55] <+LeviathanMist> worst typo ever
[04:57:55] <+KaelInMovieland> rawr
[04:57:58] <+KaelInMovieland> .time
[04:57:58] <&Raug> It is currently Sun Sep 05 04:57:53 in PDT (GMT -8)
[04:58:11] <@EagleEyes> Whats a spermarket
[04:58:12] <@EagleEyes> o.o
[04:58:15] <@EagleEyes> OHH WAIT
[04:58:20] <@EagleEyes> OHH NO YOU DID AINT
[04:58:21] <+KaelInMovieland> so Sperm Arket?
[04:58:34] <+LeviathanMist> that sounds dirty
[04:58:37] <+KaelInMovieland> Where is your head at Levi?
[04:58:39] <@EagleEyes> Chat quotes....
[04:58:53] <+LeviathanMist> oh yeah, thanks for reminding me to read your massive wall of text
[04:58:58] <+KaelInMovieland> ... So I am now sooo going call Spermbanks"Spermarkets"
[04:59:06] <+LeviathanMist> o.o;

EagleEyes 09-07-2010 08:01 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<@Cerulaine> Don't let me make jokes when I just wake up and am still so sore from the convention :(
<@Cerulaine> ........
<@Cerulaine> Wait
<@Cerulaine> That came out wrong
<@kEEboard-Cat> BAZINGA!
<@kEEboard-Cat> Thats what Kroze said
* @Cerulaine facepalms

<@Cerulaine> WAIT
<@Cerulaine> I think Kroze had an inch on me!

Kate 09-07-2010 09:49 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
* Chibi-Katanashi licks the watermelon juice off twilldo's sh**
<+Drago142222> welcome back kate
<+Chibi-Katanashi> shirt*
<+Chibi-Katanashi> wow
<@twilly> O_O
<+Chibi-Katanashi> bad typo is bad
<@twilly> LOL

Cameron 09-08-2010 10:24 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
(1:13:13 PM) Cerulaine: Why am I so tired? D:
(1:13:38 PM) Zero_Gravity: Cause you put all your energy into doing girl things
(1:13:44 PM) Cerulaine: wat
(1:13:50 PM) Zero_Gravity: like making me a sandwich and doing dishes
(1:13:57 PM) Zero_Gravity: your tired! D:
(1:14:07 PM) mode (+o Cerulaine) by GlaD0S
(1:14:12 PM) Zero_Gravity left the room (Kicked by Cerulaine (See You - Kick sponsored by www.trillian.im)).

Zero Gravity 09-08-2010 11:51 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)

Originally Posted by Cameron (Post 19408)
(1:13:13 PM) Cerulaine: Why am I so tired? D:
(1:13:38 PM) Zero_Gravity: Cause you put all your energy into doing girl things
(1:13:44 PM) Cerulaine: wat
(1:13:50 PM) Zero_Gravity: like making me a sandwich and doing dishes
(1:13:57 PM) Zero_Gravity: your tired! D:
(1:14:07 PM) mode (+o Cerulaine) by GlaD0S
(1:14:12 PM) Zero_Gravity left the room (Kicked by Cerulaine (See You - Kick sponsored by www.trillian.im)).

it should be noted that when I saw the +o i said "Oh Shi.." D:

Cameron 09-11-2010 07:36 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
E-man submitted a story during Ceru Ceru Time's Romance hour about how a cosplayer's bewb popped out, and how romantic it was, then the best typo ever happened:

(10:23:14 PM) DarkiBEveryBORED: btw what was her reaction like
(10:23:19 PM) DarkiBEveryBORED: thats what i want to know the most
(10:23:27 PM) DarkPhoenixMishima: I want a photo of the nudity.
(10:23:38 PM) DarkiBEveryBORED: was she like "bewb... *puts back in*"
(10:23:39 PM) EagleEyes: She creamed and ran away
(10:23:43 PM) DarkiBEveryBORED: oh lol
(10:23:44 PM) EagleEyes: ****SCREAMED
(10:23:50 PM) EagleEyes: Worst typo ever....
(10:23:50 PM) DarkiBEveryBORED: creamed!
(10:23:54 PM) DarkiBEveryBORED: LFAO!
(10:24:01 PM) DarkiBEveryBORED: tempted to chat quote that
(10:24:20 PM) DarkPhoenixMishima: BEST TYPE EVER!!!
(10:24:31 PM) DarkiBEveryBORED: Mishima QUOTE!
(10:24:32 PM) Nirvash_Redemption: ...lol
(10:24:33 PM) DarkPhoenixMishima: TYPE*...
(10:24:40 PM) Cerulaine: LOL
(10:24:42 PM) Cerulaine: Oh my gosh
(10:24:49 PM) LeviathanMist: chat log tiem?
(10:24:51 PM) LeviathanMist: :P
(10:24:54 PM) DarkiBEveryBORED: Someone go chat quote it!
(10:25:02 PM) DarkPhoenixMishima: Copied and pasted into my records.
(10:25:14 PM) twilly: LOL
(10:25:21 PM) Cameron: Oh my...

iBEveryBORED 09-12-2010 07:04 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
So it begins.... #smize

EagleEyes: <.<
[9:45pm] DarkPhoenixMishima: Nintendo in general is horrible.
[9:45pm] Zebesian: BS.
[9:45pm] • DarkPhoenixMishima is done now.
[9:45pm] Zebesian was kicked from the chat room by EagleEyes. (MASHIRO KICK!)
[9:45pm] iBEover9000: I'd have to agree with mishima
[9:45pm] DarkPhoenixMishima was kicked from the chat room by EagleEyes. (MASHIRO KICK!)
[9:45pm] You were kicked from the chat room by EagleEyes. (MASHIRO KICK!)
[9:45pm] Topic changed to "http://918thefan.com | Ceru Ceru Time is BACK! Time to PARTY! | Newest post: EE's Round Table, The Houndblog, AV 2010 Group Interview" by Cerulaine.
[9:45pm] You rejoined the room.
[9:45pm] You were granted voice by GlaD0S.

[9:45pm] DarkPhoenixMishima joined the chat room.
[9:45pm] DarkPhoenixMishima was granted voice by GlaD0S.

[9:46pm] iBEover9000:
[9:46pm] iBEover9000: wtf?
[9:46pm] iBEover9000: CERU KICK EE
[9:46pm] LeviathanMist: Bevery Beard gets kicked a lot
[9:46pm] Zero_Gravity: SEGA needs to try consoles again
[9:46pm] iBEover9000: QUICK!
[9:46pm] Kibs left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[9:46pm] EagleEyes was kicked from the chat room by Cerulaine. (See You - Kick sponsored by www.trillian.im)
[9:46pm] EagleEyes joined the chat room.
[9:46pm] EagleEyes was promoted to operator by GlaD0S.

[9:46pm] DarkPhoenixMishima: I can understand everyone else but I said I stopped.
[9:46pm] iBEover9000: BUAHAHAHAAA
[9:46pm] Zero_Gravity: CERU!
[9:46pm] Zero_Gravity: YOU TRAITOR TO EEE
[9:46pm] Cerulaine was kicked from the chat room by EagleEyes. (MASHIRO KICK!)
[9:46pm] Cerulaine joined the chat room.
[9:46pm] Cerulaine was promoted to operator by GlaD0S.

[9:46pm] Nirvash_Redemption: MWAHAHAH
[9:46pm] Zebesian|Sad joined the chat room.
[9:46pm] Zebesian|Sad was granted voice by GlaD0S.

[9:46pm] Zebesian|Sad: ...
[9:46pm] DarkPhoenixMishima: Kick Fest.
[9:46pm] LucJenson: Stop the violence! ;^;
[9:46pm] • Nirvash_Redemption ducks and covers
[9:46pm] EagleEyes was kicked from the chat room by Cerulaine. (See You - Kick sponsored by www.trillian.im)
[9:46pm] EagleEyes joined the chat room.
[9:46pm] EagleEyes was promoted to operator by GlaD0S.

[9:46pm] DarkPhoenixMishima: It's not violent.
[9:46pm] LucJenson: Sure it is
[9:46pm] iBEover9000: I BLAME RAUG!
[9:47pm] Cerulaine was kicked from the chat room by EagleEyes. (MASHIRO KICK!)
[9:47pm] Cerulaine joined the chat room.
[9:47pm] Cerulaine was promoted to operator by GlaD0S.
[9:47pm] EagleEyes was kicked from the chat room by Cerulaine. (See You - Kick sponsored by www.trillian.im)
[9:47pm] EagleEyes joined the chat room.
[9:47pm] EagleEyes was promoted to operator by GlaD0S.
[9:47pm] LucJenson: Stop the violence! Stopitttt ;^;
[9:47pm] DarkPhoenixMishima: EagleEyes Vs. Cerulaine Place your bets.
[9:47pm] Cerulaine:
[9:47pm] iBEover9000: Ceru ftw
[9:47pm] Cerulaine was kicked from the chat room by EagleEyes. (MASHIRO KICK!)
[9:47pm] Cerulaine joined the chat room.
[9:47pm] Cerulaine was promoted to operator by GlaD0S.

[9:47pm] • LucJenson bets on Cerulaine
[9:47pm] LucJenson:
[9:47pm] Cerulaine: Lulz
[9:47pm] Nirvash_Redemption: mines on ceru
[9:47pm] iBEover9000: Ceru
[9:47pm] Zebesian|Sad: Second bet on ceru
[9:47pm] iBEover9000: $500 on ceru
[9:47pm] EagleEyes was demoted from operator by Hiiragi.
[9:47pm] Cerulaine was demoted from operator by Hiiragi.

[9:47pm] DarkPhoenixMishima: Doesn't the constant kicking, in a way, count as spam?
[9:47pm] Hiiragi: oh ho
[9:47pm] iBEover9000: lmdao
[9:47pm] Cerulaine:
[9:47pm] iBEover9000: bahahahaaa
[9:47pm] iBEover9000: thats great
[9:47pm] iBEover9000: classic
[9:47pm] Nirvash_Redemption: Ohu, loop hole on you both
[9:47pm] iBEover9000: Chat quote!
[9:47pm] Cerulaine: I didn't get my last kick in
[9:47pm] LeviathanMist: Haha, you owe someone $500
[9:47pm] EagleEyes: Back in my day people didn't take other people +o
[9:47pm] Zebesian|Sad is now known as Zebesian.
[9:47pm] LeviathanMist: bevery
[9:48pm] iBEover9000: Someone who didn't get kicked quote it
[9:48pm] EagleEyes was promoted to operator by Hiiragi.
[9:48pm] Cerulaine was promoted to operator by Hiiragi.
[9:48pm] Cerulaine was kicked from the chat room by EagleEyes. (MASHIRO KICK!)
[9:48pm] Cerulaine joined the chat room.
[9:48pm] Cerulaine was promoted to operator by GlaD0S.

[9:48pm] LeviathanMist: lol
[9:48pm] EagleEyes was kicked from the chat room by Cerulaine. (See You - Kick sponsored by www.trillian.im)
[9:48pm] EagleEyes joined the chat room.
[9:48pm] EagleEyes was promoted to operator by GlaD0S.

[9:48pm] EagleEyes: Finger slip
[9:48pm] EagleEyes was kicked from the chat room by Cerulaine. (See You - Kick sponsored by www.trillian.im)
[9:48pm] EagleEyes joined the chat room.
[9:48pm] EagleEyes was promoted to operator by GlaD0S.

[9:48pm] EagleEyes was kicked from the chat room by Cerulaine. (See You - Kick sponsored by www.trillian.im)
[9:48pm] EagleEyes joined the chat room.

[9:48pm] EagleEyes was promoted to operator by GlaD0S.
[9:48pm] Cerulaine was kicked from the chat room by EagleEyes. (MASHIRO KICK!)
[9:48pm] Cerulaine joined the chat room.
[9:48pm] Cerulaine was promoted to operator by GlaD0S.
[9:48pm] Cerulaine was kicked from the chat room by EagleEyes. (MASHIRO KICK!)
[9:48pm] Cerulaine joined the chat room.
[9:48pm] Cerulaine was promoted to operator by GlaD0S.

[9:48pm] DarkPhoenixMishima: Stop the spam of kick messages please.
[9:48pm] DarkPhoenixMishima is now known as DarkPacifistMishima.
[9:48pm] • EagleEyes shakes Ceru's hand
[9:48pm] EagleEyes: GG
[9:48pm] Cerulaine was kicked from the chat room by Kanashimi. (Ninjas be in your house with a ban hammer~)
[9:48pm] Cerulaine joined the chat room.
[9:48pm] Cerulaine was promoted to operator by GlaD0S.
[9:48pm] EagleEyes was kicked from the chat room by Kanashimi. (Ninjas be in your house with a ban hammer~)
[9:48pm] EagleEyes joined the chat room.

[9:48pm] EagleEyes was promoted to operator by GlaD0S.
[9:48pm] iBEover9000: KANA WINS!
[9:49pm] EagleEyes:
[9:49pm] DarkPacifistMishima: Kana ninjas in for the win.
[9:49pm] Cerulaine:
[9:49pm] • Kanashimi gives a peace sign

Leviathan Mist 09-18-2010 01:23 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[01:10:10] * Kroze (qwebirc@Rizon-F3C787E5.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has joined#918thefan
[01:10:10] * GlaD0S sets mode +v Kroze for #918thefan
[01:10:15] <+iBEveryBORED> how ironic
[01:10:23] <+Kroze> Yes that is me who joined the forum
[01:10:30] <+Kroze> kthxbai
[01:10:31] <%LeviathanMist> :o
[01:10:35] <+iBEveryBORED> lol
[01:10:37] * Kibs sets mode +h Kroze for #918thefan
[01:10:39] <%LeviathanMist> lol
[01:10:41] <+Chibi-Katanashi> o.o
[01:10:47] <%LeviathanMist> Kroze, my new adversary
[01:10:54] <+Chibi-Katanashi> OHSHIT IT IS A KROZE!?
[01:10:56] <&Kanashimi> Haha
[01:10:59] <%LeviathanMist> EagleEyes said my facebook pic looks like you
[01:11:00] * Kibs sets mode +o Kroze for #918thefan
[01:11:03] <+iBEveryBORED> A wild kroze to be exact
[01:11:03] <%LeviathanMist> :o
[01:11:08] <~Kibs> no longer is he your adversary
[01:11:11] <@Kroze> hell yeah!
[01:11:11] <%LeviathanMist> bah :P
[01:11:14] <@twilly> LOL
[01:11:20] <~Kibs> amaybe kroze should register to nickserv
[01:11:20] <+Chibi-Katanashi> he sure gets promoted quickly
[01:11:23] <&Kanashimi> Watch him kick everyone now
[01:11:24] <@Kroze> And I would have ended you if you left me half op
[01:11:33] <+iBEveryBORED> lol
[01:11:38] <~Kibs> Kroze, you couldn't end a bad movie
[01:11:43] <+Chibi-Katanashi> what is an kroze doing here anyways? o.o
[01:11:48] <&Kanashimi> Someone chat quote it xP
[01:11:53] <%LeviathanMist> ya rly
[01:11:58] <+iBEveryBORED> wah?
[01:11:59] <&Kanashimi> I sorta invited him to the forums
[01:12:02] <+iBEveryBORED> i dont get what happened tho
[01:12:08] <%LeviathanMist> and he sorta took up your invitation :P
[01:12:16] <&Kanashimi> Haha, just a bit

Zehutsumei 09-20-2010 07:43 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<&Hiiragi> so i have to write a quick 1 page bio for one of my classes
<&Hiiragi> as part of a business profile
<&Hiiragi> i only need 3 words
<&Hiiragi> I AM GOD
<&Hiiragi> insta a+

91.8 The Fan: The home of Megalomania

Zehutsumei 09-26-2010 03:03 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<+Cameron> *huggles Tsun*
<+Cameron> You're safe with me!
<+Nirvash_Redemption> ...
<+tsun_maid> ummmmmm.....
<+Nirvash_Redemption> my eyes hurt now.
<+tsun_maid> cameron where are you touching?
<+Nirvash_Redemption> Here maid, point out on this doll where he touched you.
<+Cameron> Around your shoulders?
* +tsun_maid points there on the doll
<+Nirvash_Redemption> May the court note that he pointed to the shoulders.

91.8 The Fan: Special Victims Unit

EagleEyes 10-03-2010 03:52 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<@EagleEyes> bbl
<@EagleEyes> I am going to watch the manliest of all fake sports
<+Chibi-Katanashi> for inability to use a better word right now... LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAME
*** GlaD0S sets mode +o Cerulaine
<@EagleEyes> Speaking of lame
<@EagleEyes> It is Ceru lame

Zehutsumei 10-05-2010 04:42 PM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<@EagleEyes> I am going to go have a shower!
<@EagleEyes> Who is with me~!
<%Amui> brb flying to Australia
<+GracefulDisaster> NOT ME!
<+Cameron> I should clean up...
<+GracefulDisaster> I should get off! :D
<@EagleEyes> GIGGITY
<@EagleEyes> O_O
<%LeviathanMist> whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

91.8 The Fan: Taking awkwardness and turning it into a disaster

EagleEyes 10-09-2010 02:13 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
<+jamesp52> Lol seriously, was trying to get mole outside so it can go back underground, but nooo he didnt wanna be touched by me, so he chewed thru plastic bag and bit me =/

Leviathan Mist 10-09-2010 05:22 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
[05:04:00] <+Mildraig> Christmas songs? Oh dear
[05:04:52] <+EE> Vanessa Amorosi
[05:04:52] <+Mist> For some reason when I see your name, I can't help but see it as "Mild Rage"
[05:05:28] <+EE> Mold rag
[05:05:31] <+EE> Is what i see
[05:05:42] <+Mist> Yours is better
[05:05:58] <+Mildraig> Well it works well because both these things are good descriptions of me?...
[05:06:11] <+Mist> Your new name is Mold Rag
[05:06:35] <+Mildraig> Awesome.
[05:06:36] * Mist thumbs up
[05:06:39] <+withasigh> haha
[05:06:58] <+Mildraig> I'll work on getting a name tag to put that on
[05:07:08] <+Mist> oh em gee
[05:07:10] <+Mist> that would be awesome
[05:07:26] <+Mist> buy a fanatic subscription first though
[05:07:32] <+EE> Ohh heck yeah!
[05:07:34] <+Mist> then buy a name tag on the forums that says "Mold rag"
[05:07:47] <+EE> And get a picture of a moldy rag
[05:07:48] <+EE> :o
[05:07:55] <+Mist> I would seriously lol
[05:08:00] <+Mist> it would be awesome
[05:08:34] * withasigh falls over giggling
[05:08:41] <+Mildraig> I have a feeling the joke wouldn't last very long
[05:08:51] <+EE> Ohhhh
[05:08:53] <+Mist> You underestimate this community :P
[05:09:06] <+EE> You have no idea what i am capable of
[05:09:08] <+Mildraig> And the questions why i named myself after a moldy rag would be tiresome?
[05:09:11] * EE explodes with laughter
[05:09:21] <+Mist> You'd be the hottest person on the forums
[05:09:38] <+EE> And the moldiest!
[05:09:53] <+Mist> and the raggiest
[05:10:36] * Mildraig is now known as Mold
[05:10:41] <+withasigh> bahaha
[05:11:03] * Mold is now known as Mold_Rag
[05:11:09] <+Mold_Rag> Mold is taken?
[05:11:15] <+Mold_Rag> Who would choose to be called Mold?
[05:11:16] <+Mist> must be popular
[05:11:29] <+Mist> more popular than Mist was
[05:11:33] <+Mold_Rag> It does get around i suppose
[05:11:35] <+withasigh> haha
[05:11:50] <+EE> It grows in damp places
[05:11:52] <+EE> o.o
[05:11:55] <+withasigh> well this is an odd convo even for irc standards

Cameron 10-16-2010 09:48 AM

Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)
(11:38:51 AM) Drago142222 left the room (quit: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Drago|nap))).
(11:38:55 AM) Drago142222 [~Drago1422@Rizon-B992F1CC.ptldme.east.myfairpoint.net] entered the room.
(11:38:55 AM) mode (+v Drago142222) by GlaD0S
(11:45:28 AM) Rag: You kill yourself after every nap like that?
(11:49:05 AM) Cameron: If he doesn't, Bob stabs him
(11:49:36 AM) Cameron: See, if he kills himself, Bob would feel silly killing him as well
(11:50:40 AM) Cameron: It's like, Drago found the loophole, but has gone about exploiting it in the dumbest way possible
(11:52:04 AM) Drago142222: ........

Yeah, I chat quote my own lame burns, wanna make something of it?

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