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ApolloNoUta 01-13-2010 12:43 AM

Re: Least favorite Characters?

Originally Posted by Shin_No_Kokoro (Post 3874)
May you be smitten by the holy Mikuru Beam xD

Mwahahaha! I am the board member you'll never be able to recruit, try as you might. :toenee:

Kate 01-13-2010 01:09 AM

Re: Least favorite Characters?
All of the characters in Bobobo. If I had to choose a number one, though:

Just, very annoying.

Jubilee 07-15-2010 11:35 PM

Re: Least favorite Characters?
Oh yeesh, there are plenty of these to list.

No one likes you! Go die!

I really don't like you...BELIEVE IT!

Oh, pull the trigger....DO IT! NAO!!!


I can't even stand to look at this thing...SIDE SHOW BOB!

That's all I got for now...Someone hit this post with a plague so they all rot and die. Kay Thanks! #poplar

canonlord 07-16-2010 07:57 AM

Re: Least favorite Characters?
Light Yagami - Death note
By far the most annoying overly-dramatic person in the world.
I am referring to his laugh, and chip eating.

Amui 07-16-2010 08:24 AM

Re: Least favorite Characters?
Makoto Itou from School Days, the first and last character i've ever hated so much.

Anjinnosaj 07-16-2010 10:23 AM

Re: Least favorite Characters?
Let see....

First : Shou Tucker

Second: Sasuke Uchiha

Third: Happosai

Fourth and #1:

And all of which you all said execpt for haruhi =/

sasukeuzi 07-19-2010 08:43 AM

Re: Least favorite Characters?
least fav character is Yuri from Kekkaishi.her voice is so ANNOYING!!!!

SaiQ 07-19-2010 09:19 AM

Re: Least favorite Characters?
Little Nel from Bleach.


Never had I a stronger urge to kick babies.

Curse you "Every Fight" and "Kokoro Oasis" songs!


Zaig 01-21-2011 07:41 PM

Re: Least favorite Characters?
Haha, Makoto sucks. XD

He's my number one choice for most hated.

Second most hated-

***WARNING!!! Ending to the Shuffle! anime is ahead***

The guy has a harem to choose from and he picks Asa instead of the sweet and gentle Kaede Fuyou, making her cry and become crazy. Not cool. You do not make someone who is devoted to you for years cry and wish she were dead and want to kill people. He should of chose her! T_T

moonhawk81 01-21-2011 09:52 PM

Re: Least favorite Characters?
Kagome from Inuyasha. Bossy, then whiney--pick one already! (Then go choke on a magic jewel shard...)

nerdwerld 01-21-2011 11:35 PM

Re: Least favorite Characters?
I agree with everyone that Shinji is an annoying character. That goes on without saying, but what I hate most are parasitical undying villians like so...



Possible my first truly hated character and my most hated villian of all time (though Aizen has come to tie him) Naraku won't die... and this is part of the reason I hate him so.



Yeah no .... the so called Micheal Jackson of Naruto (but don't insult Mr. Jackson by calling him close to Orochimaru) A pedobear or Pedo-snake if there ever was one this guy not only is creepy ... but guess what guys didn't die!

Aizen Sousuke... aka Butterflazien

Of the three he is the newest, and possible for a while trumped him in my hatred of worst characters ever. I hated the guy the first time I saw him and when I found out he was OP this added to my hatred. Then when he survived like three battles with like over powered opponents he still some how came out unscathed. Finally when he became Butterflaizen I laughed, but to no surprise was still OP. It was only he was defeated and lost his powers that I finally came at peace with my self.

SoulArbiter 01-22-2011 06:23 AM

Re: Least favorite Characters?
For me, it would have to be pretty much everyone from Naruto and InuYasha. I also didn't like that dude from Code Geass; the one that spun a lot. Actually, I didn't like Code Geass at all. Renton from Eureka Seven I also dislike, Coud from Elemental Gelade and Cecily and Luke from the Sacred Blacksmith.

There's a special level for Shinji from Evangelion. His fail transcends time and space. #srsly

nerdwerld 01-22-2011 08:50 PM

Re: Least favorite Characters?

Originally Posted by Jubilee (Post 15919)
Oh yeesh, there are plenty of these to list.

No one likes you! Go die!

I really don't like you...BELIEVE IT!

Oh, pull the trigger....DO IT! NAO!!!


I can't even stand to look at this thing...SIDE SHOW BOB!

That's all I got for now...Someone hit this post with a plague so they all rot and die. Kay Thanks! #poplar

Did not see this earlier... Jubi I love you for all of the little comments you put. It made my day.

Gatx 01-30-2011 11:23 PM

Re: Least favorite Characters?
Andrei Smirnov from Gundam 00. I hate that guy so much. He has that combination of being stubborn and wrong at the same time that's just absolutely infuriating. I can generally like, or at least not hate character I've ever seen except Andrei Smirnow.

Jubilee 01-31-2011 06:30 AM

Re: Least favorite Characters?

Originally Posted by nerdwerld (Post 25863)
Did not see this earlier... Jubi I love you for all of the little comments you put. It made my day.

XD ... I'm happy they did...

I totally forgot about that post its been nearly half a year already. :ha::giggle:

Shidohari 01-31-2011 04:57 PM

Re: Least favorite Characters?
I dislike Relena Darlian peacecraft and Chibi Usa. OH and PINK...SUGARY PINK CHARACTERS...both of which these are.

If i hear HEEEEEEEEEEEEERO one more time or see the 'attraction' that Chibi Usa has for her 'Father' again i will gag...and then i shall puke.

That is all...

Tempest Wind 02-01-2011 09:55 AM

Re: Least favorite Characters?
Before I think of an intelligent response revolving around how a character detracts from a series, I must first put all my bias forward: Nakago from Fushigi Yugi.

I was but a small (actually very tall), naiive little middle schooler when I got my first taste of character death. I'm not going to spoil any further, but even though the deed was carried out by another's hands, Nakago was the direct cause of it. He tortured nearly every character in the series and managed to look hot doing so. I hate him. I despise him. The OVAs made most people forgive him -- not me. I want his head on a platter with an apple in his mouth. Most brilliant badguy ever and I HATE him.

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