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microgamer2vs2 02-02-2011 08:00 PM

Re: Figure Collection

Originally Posted by Kibs (Post 26428)
Jealous, I'm looking forward to seeing the rest. There's a Marisa figure I want, but one at a time, don't wanna go overboard :P

the black blade version is available around places, it's just a matter of having enough money to get it.

Lol, yeah, overboard is pretty much where I'm at, but then again, there are varying degrees of overboard, so at the very least I'm not at the extreme end of the figure collecting totem pole.

Sheep 02-03-2011 03:46 PM

Re: Figure Collection

It's not much compared to people who are big collectors but most of my stuff is out of print so.

Tsundere 02-03-2011 06:03 PM

Re: Figure Collection
Well I have only really started on figures myself but I have a couple. (I used my phones camera for these photo's so dont expect high quality.

I like this gundam real grade kit but I find that the connections to keep the weapons on the gundam are poorly made and this makes it hard to pose.

These lucky star nineroids made me RAGE as the ball they use to connect to the sockets on their backs were poorly made as they were too large and made it hard to put on their stands.

Kanashimi 02-03-2011 07:04 PM

Re: Figure Collection
Figured I'd take a few pictures around my room. I can say confidentially I just picked up a few that were some of my favorites and took some close-ups. Then I just went around the room and took general shots, but I definitely missed quite a few. I have exactly one hundred figures of varying size, I've sorta slowed down in collecting since the rate of exchange is sooooo bad now. I've had to keep a good portion of my figures in their boxes since I went the extra mile in just obtaining them or I have no room.

A good example is my collector's edition Aerith, which cost me about three hundred bucks (for reference it's this one). I was ridculously disappointed when I missed the KOS-MOS three hundred dollar figure since it's so heavenly looking. I might get lucky and find that somewhere... ;_;

Anyway, here's some shots:

Yeah, I need to dust. Shush.

I'm personally not a fan of small figures or Play-Arts type of figures, but somehow I've amassed a few through the years (mostly due to their fifteen dollar price tag). I've fallen out of figure collecting, but if I ever had the funds I'd like to grab a nice IKEA bookshelf where I can store them all inside. Keeping figures in prime condition while avoiding dust is sorta impossible without one.

Bargain Gamer 02-03-2011 07:13 PM

Re: Figure Collection
Awesome collection Kana! I especially appreciate that last pic as I own both the collector's editions of Devil Summoner 2 and Growlancer: Heritage of War. ^ ^

In fact my Raihou plush is actually right next to me as I type this, sitting atop my PS3.

Jubilee 02-03-2011 07:14 PM

Re: Figure Collection

Originally Posted by Kanashimi (Post 26492)

Yuna's Foot <3

I remember seeing that one in a magazine along with a Tidus and an Auron...but the opulence...I did not has it. #bawww

My Sakura's need a Wakka friend...maybe a Lulu

Anyways, here is my tiny collection...Compliments of Bob-Chan. :awesome:

Kibs 02-03-2011 07:18 PM

Re: Figure Collection
Did you change your desktop background for each picture?

Kanashimi 02-03-2011 08:12 PM

Re: Figure Collection

Originally Posted by Kibs (Post 26495)
Did you change your desktop background for each picture?

Yeeeah, I thought it'd be cool to have a digital background and then I was like oh... you can't see it really. Fuuu.


Originally Posted by Bargain Gamer (Post 26493)
Awesome collection Kana! I especially appreciate that last pic as I own both the collector's editions of Devil Summoner 2 and Growlancer: Heritage of War. ^ ^

In fact my Raihou plush is actually right next to me as I type this, sitting atop my PS3.

Haha, I love collector's edition so much. I really, really love the Growlancer series. I bought it originally really cheap from the game store I worked at. I opened it and played, but we also had another copy I knew no one was gonna buy. So I also picked it up just for the sake of having it sealed. Collector's unite! <3

Sheep 02-03-2011 08:22 PM

Re: Figure Collection
I love those Belldandy figures. I wish I could get my hands on a few Ah! My Goddess figures but there all at least $50 everywhere I check.

I need to get a better shelf for my stuff. I used to have a really big shelf over my bed and it broke two weeks ago. Lets just say it tilted and things went flying on to the shelf near by with my figures. Nothing was broken thankfully but it was panic mode time for me.

mahay 02-03-2011 09:00 PM

Re: Figure Collection

Originally Posted by Kanashimi (Post 26492)
Keeping figures in prime condition while avoiding dust is sorta impossible without one.

If I had the opulence I would create a whole Hermetically sealed room to keep my figures in, pox on ikea (jk ikea, you're awesome)

toyNN 02-23-2011 03:22 PM

Re: Figure Collection
Awesome Touhou figures. Most of mine of are of the figmas or Revoltech variety. Mostly because of cost and I like all changeable parts and posing you can do. I don't have many but I'll take a few photos and post.

For buying I've used KidNemo which is USA based for a few but mostly Hobby Search Japan they are definitely setup for international shipping and USD pricing.

Originally Posted by microgamer2vs2 (Post 26427)
How do you usually buy your figures, Kibs?

I'm still getting used to my camera (Lumix LX5) so I just took a shot of the top shelf for now.

microgamer2vs2 02-27-2011 04:30 AM

Re: Figure Collection
So my neck of the woods had a snow day recently, so I seized the opportunity to do a proper outdoor snow photo shoot with my most prized figure in my collection.


If you couldn't already tell, Shirayuki Mizore-san is my most favorite character ever.

Cheflelouch 02-27-2011 10:43 PM

Re: Figure Collection
you people HAVE a collection of nice Figures
Idon have that many (only a CC figure and some Gundam Models)
but I will really will like to get my hands on a specific figure

MakiMaki 08-23-2012 07:59 PM

Re: Figure Collection
For the love of all things Touhou, I thought I had finally gotten my hands on a Flandre Scarlet figure that wasn't a bazillion dollars. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B007F9PC8E

It was @$211 shipped from a U.S. seller. But I get an email days after I bought it from the seller saying they are out of stock...WHY!? WHY!??? ;_; RAGE!

At least they didn't cash in on my payment, so it should get dropped in a few days. But still aaaaaggggoooooonnnnyyyy

So now the only ones I can find are well over $350 shipped from Japan. Bleh.

What to do...I don't want to wait 2 months to get one imported from Japan XD

Cheflelouch 08-24-2012 04:50 AM

Re: Figure Collection
Well you can always wait for a convention I you don't want to have one ship from japan or have to save little by little until you have the money to buy it

moonhawk81 08-24-2012 02:24 PM

Re: Figure Collection
All I have are two nendroid figures, one of Haku and one of Miku.

MakiMaki 11-20-2012 01:50 PM

Re: Figure Collection
Henrietta now joins Triela in my Gunslinger Girl collection!

Very well done figure by Good Smile. Her look/pose combined with the pistol (which is removable) makes for a perfect depiction of what those girls were like in the series...cute, but DANGEROUS!!

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