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G U R U 01-30-2010 08:12 PM

Re: Super Smash Bros Melee

Originally Posted by Oni (Post 8395)
The gameplay in all 3 Smash games is pretty shallow. No one can really deny that.

My example of a deep game? The Disgaea series.

Do you even know about all the advanced techniques in Melee? I've never played Disgaea before so I can't comment too much however I was under the impression that it was just a REALLY long RPG. I highly doubt it takes as much skill and thought process as Melee.

Oni 01-30-2010 10:02 PM

Re: Super Smash Bros Melee

Originally Posted by G U R U (Post 8398)
Do you even know about all the advanced techniques in Melee? I've never played Disgaea before so I can't comment too much however I was under the impression that it was just a REALLY long RPG. I highly doubt it takes as much skill and thought process as Melee.

Well, this is the first time I've met someone who was not too familiar with the TRPG. No, Disgaea is not just a "REALLY long RPG". Disgaea is a fully customizable game where you create most of the characters yourself (other than the obvious main characters). So the ability to make a truly strong team is purely up to you, which means you need to know what you're doing. Considering nearly every character starts at level 1, and the max level is 9999 (that includes items).

Sure, they're not even in the same category of game, so naturally a TRPG would be deeper gameplay wise than a 2-bit trying-to-be-a-fighter game. I don't really consider Smash a "fighting game".

Also, commenting on a game despite not knowing about it is foolish.

G U R U 01-30-2010 10:21 PM

Re: Super Smash Bros Melee
All I'm saying is that in my opinion, RPG's, hell all single player games in general, take less skill then multiplayer games because human > computer. Obviously there are some exceptions but not many.

I guess I'm just the kind of person who likes to beat people at games. I could really care less about story in a game.

Oni 01-30-2010 10:25 PM

Re: Super Smash Bros Melee
Ever heard of "leader boards"? Yeah, that's a competitive aspect of Disgaea. Human against human.

G U R U 01-30-2010 10:30 PM

Re: Super Smash Bros Melee
I didn't know it had leaderboards but that's not the same thing. That's just "how many hours of grinding can I put in today to get my score higher than this other guys"

Oni 01-30-2010 11:01 PM

Re: Super Smash Bros Melee
Sure it is. It so would be, if Disgaea had that kind of primitive "scoring" system.

Llian 02-04-2010 12:00 PM

Re: Super Smash Bros Melee
Hey guys chill. Techniques and DEEP story don't really matter once the player/owner of the disc is having fun right?

Though, I did hear that Melee was better than Brawl in a number of ways (in what ways I can't even remember because it's been so long since I've never heard the name SSBB). I had a friend who used to go to tournys all the time.

Elk 02-06-2010 09:26 AM

Re: Super Smash Bros Melee
There's your issue. Your friend may be a great person, and this isn't a personal attack at him, but in general smash tourny people are the worst tourny people to have ever existed, and likely ever will exist.

It's like the Smash scene birthed some bizarro-tournyfriend ideology that goes against everything a tournament player should be. If you look at the definition of scrub in any other games tourny scene, it will be exactly what a smash tourny player is.

If you look at the smash scene's definition of scrub, it's actual tourny players.

Why are Smash tourny players. . . second class?
House Rules.
House rules were known as the norm in arcades across the land when arcades were big. And the people who played by them were scrubs. wimps too stupid and stubborn to learn to play the game. They created their own in house rules such as "no throwing. throwing is cheap" or "stop throwing fireballs, that's cheap." This can be seen as a "virtue" of smash players, with their insistence on removing levels and items, because they are too weak to adapt. The only stage that is "banned" in, for the sake of comparison SF4 (and this isn't banned so much as disliked enough to ask to change the level(usually by both parties)) is the volcano stage, because the reds are harsh on peoples eyes, and are bad for people who are colour blind. The only character I can think of who was banned in tournies (in SF in general, not SF4) is secret character Akuma. You need to actually do the code when you want to use him. He isn't just an unlock. And he is so broken most matchups were 9-1 10-0, because he is a boss, and wasn't even attempted to balance.

The short version is the scrub can't compete on even grounds, so they have to implement their own rules giving themseles more of a chance of winning, rather then trying to adapt to the reality of the situation and grow as a player. This is also the definition of a Smash Tourny player.

The reason these... people dislike Brawl is because if fixed some bugs that weren't intended in melee. So not only are their things changed the scrubs don't like (remember, scrubs can't adapt), but the glitches that weren't even intended that they were abusing to keep an advantage over people who didn't abuse the exploits. And that made them angry. How dare they fix the errors with the old game...

So the more hardcore of these scrubs actually went so far as to modify Brawl making Brawl"+" to make it "better", adding the glitches back in, and removing the changes. Because the only thing they really wanted in Brawl was prettier graphics and Sonic.

/end rant.

Llian 02-06-2010 12:41 PM

Re: Super Smash Bros Melee
Well that certainly explains a lot of things...:uh:

I get the gist of things now. So basically Melee was a broken version of Brawl. Brawl fixed the broken parts that most horrible players can't play without hence it's now being called the inferior game.

Sounds like BB:CS before anyone saw footage of it.:ha:

G U R U 02-07-2010 12:19 AM

Re: Super Smash Bros Melee

Originally Posted by AnarchoELK (Post 8775)
There's your issue. Your friend may be a great person, and this isn't a personal attack at him, but in general smash tourny people are the worst tourny people to have ever existed, and likely ever will exist.

It's like the Smash scene birthed some bizarro-tournyfriend ideology that goes against everything a tournament player should be. If you look at the definition of scrub in any other games tourny scene, it will be exactly what a smash tourny player is.

If you look at the smash scene's definition of scrub, it's actual tourny players.

Why are Smash tourny players. . . second class?
House Rules.
House rules were known as the norm in arcades across the land when arcades were big. And the people who played by them were scrubs. wimps too stupid and stubborn to learn to play the game. They created their own in house rules such as "no throwing. throwing is cheap" or "stop throwing fireballs, that's cheap." This can be seen as a "virtue" of smash players, with their insistence on removing levels and items, because they are too weak to adapt. The only stage that is "banned" in, for the sake of comparison SF4 (and this isn't banned so much as disliked enough to ask to change the level(usually by both parties)) is the volcano stage, because the reds are harsh on peoples eyes, and are bad for people who are colour blind. The only character I can think of who was banned in tournies (in SF in general, not SF4) is secret character Akuma. You need to actually do the code when you want to use him. He isn't just an unlock. And he is so broken most matchups were 9-1 10-0, because he is a boss, and wasn't even attempted to balance.

The short version is the scrub can't compete on even grounds, so they have to implement their own rules giving themseles more of a chance of winning, rather then trying to adapt to the reality of the situation and grow as a player. This is also the definition of a Smash Tourny player.

The reason these... people dislike Brawl is because if fixed some bugs that weren't intended in melee. So not only are their things changed the scrubs don't like (remember, scrubs can't adapt), but the glitches that weren't even intended that they were abusing to keep an advantage over people who didn't abuse the exploits. And that made them angry. How dare they fix the errors with the old game...

So the more hardcore of these scrubs actually went so far as to modify Brawl making Brawl"+" to make it "better", adding the glitches back in, and removing the changes. Because the only thing they really wanted in Brawl was prettier graphics and Sonic.

/end rant.

You don't know anything and should really learn your place and shut up. Smash players are some of the nicest people I have ever met in my life going out of there way and beyond to drive long distances to pick up and house people they have never even met before and bringing multiple setups for free to help the tournaments run smoothly. Did you ever think that maybe you getting treated badly by other people might have something to do with your attitude? Maybe you're the one who should stop being ignorant and try to learn from the better players instead of getting your ♫♫♫ handed to you and calling them names. What is this 5th grade? Go back to playing with Items on Hyrule I really could care less how you waste your time, while I go to tournaments and make money off a video game k thanks.

btw I could beat you with one hand, with Items on Hyrule. Just sayin.

Oni 02-07-2010 01:48 AM

Re: Super Smash Bros Melee

Originally Posted by G U R U (Post 8841)
You don't know anything and should really learn your place and shut up. Smash players are some of the nicest people I have ever met in my life going out of there way and beyond to drive long distances to pick up and house people they have never even met before and bringing multiple setups for free to help the tournaments run smoothly. Did you ever think that maybe you getting treated badly by other people might have something to do with your attitude? Maybe you're the one who should stop being ignorant and try to learn from the better players instead of getting your ♫♫♫ handed to you and calling them names. What is this 5th grade? Go back to playing with Items on Hyrule I really could care less how you waste your time, while I go to tournaments and make money off a video game k thanks.

btw I could beat you with one hand, with Items on Hyrule. Just sayin.

Several contradictions.


btw I could beat you with one hand, with Items on Hyrule.
I'll take you up on this. Brawl, items on, Melee Hyrule stage. So, which hand are you going to use? Choose wisely. Are you going to take attacks, with no movement, or movement with no attacks?

My friend code? 0860-4660-9499

G U R U 02-07-2010 02:48 AM

Re: Super Smash Bros Melee

Originally Posted by Oni (Post 8851)
Several contradictions.

I'll take you up on this. Brawl, items on, Melee Hyrule stage. So, which hand are you going to use? Choose wisely. Are you going to take attacks, with no movement, or movement with no attacks?

My friend code? 0860-4660-9499

Well for one I was talking about a Melee match and two brawl wifi is even more terrible then regular Brawl. Also you seem more experienced in Smash games in general Oni, so you're probably much better than Elk and I doubt I could beat you with one hand lol. Challenge was only directed at him because I highly doubt I could beat anyone even somewhat decent with one hand (although with Items on I might get lucky because that's all playing with items is).

Oni 02-07-2010 03:57 AM

Re: Super Smash Bros Melee

Originally Posted by G U R U (Post 8854)
Well for one I was talking about a Melee match and two brawl wifi is even more terrible then regular Brawl. Also you seem more experienced in Smash games in general Oni, so you're probably much better than Elk and I doubt I could beat you with one hand lol. Challenge was only directed at him because I highly doubt I could beat anyone even somewhat decent with one hand (although with Items on I might get lucky because that's all playing with items is).

I've had plenty of lag-free Brawl matches. It's what having a good router with the proper ports forwarded gets you. If you're good at playing, then a change of game shouldn't change how you play your main.

Kibs 02-07-2010 02:19 PM

Re: Super Smash Bros Melee
Poster A: :srsly: Only n00bs play meelee

Poster B: :srswtf: nuh uh, only n00bs play brawl

Poster A: :srsly: people who play melee are all retards

Poster B: :srswtf: people who play brawls can't handle melee players

Poster A: :srsly: people who play melee are cheap

Poster B: :srswtf: people who play brawl are cheap

Poster A: :srsly: you're stupid

Poster B: :srswtf: you're stupid

Poster A: :srsly: you're stupid

Poster B: :srswtf: you're stupid

Poster A: :srsly: you're stupid

Poster B: :srswtf: you're stupid

Me: :true: you're all banned

This thread is getting far too out of hand, and I don't want to see it degrade into a flame war. Unless we can all learn to respectfully disagree with eachother I'm ending the discussion for now, finish it with PMs or on MSN or just freaking play eachother. Thread is closed for a while.

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