View Full Version : Spoilers Dear Brother... Episode 002 Discussion

08-17-2013, 01:28 PM
The back-story between Nanako and her "brother" is pretty interesting actually. Curious to see where that goes if it goes anywhere.

Mariko, don't be so jelly. At least she hates this Aya chick, and she seems like the most threatening girl thus far.

I'm really curious on the backstory between Saint Prince and Goldie Locks. He is just super intimidated or scared of her, it's really odd.

Wow! The drama between Mariko and Aya was intense. It was a little big oddly animated, but not only did Kaoru stop Aya, but she got a slap in the face from Mariko. Talk about getting what you deserve. Mad props to whoever decided that was gonna happen.

Tomoko reminds me a lot of Utena's friend (I can't remember her name) that betrays her. I have a feeling I should be more worried about Tomoko backstabbing than anyone else right now.

08-19-2013, 03:21 AM
Holy ♫♫♫♫ this is getting real! Sailor Uranus turning down the sorority selection was badass, more hints at the story of the big 3 which seems super interesting, and then evil ♫♫♫♫♫ getting TOLD like 3 times in a row. Again, the animation and art is like, flawless. I can only dream of a day when people realize anime has to be made like this and they go back to actual animation. I thought this show would be interesting once I found out the dudes were chicks, but I also kind of thought it'd be kind of boring like that Marimite series which I saw like 3 episodes of. but this looks like it's going to be WAY better.

08-19-2013, 03:22 AM
Holy ♫♫♫♫ this is getting real! Sailor Uranus turning down the sorority selection was badass, more hints at the story of the big 3 which seems super interesting, and then evil ♫♫♫♫♫ getting TOLD like 3 times in a row. Again, the animation and art is like, flawless. I can only dream of a day when people realize anime has to be made like this and they go back to actual animation. I thought this show would be interesting once I found out the dudes were chicks, but I also kind of thought it'd be kind of boring like that Marimite series which I saw like 3 episodes of. but this looks like it's going to be WAY better.

It was kinda surprising how much the drama felt like such a big deal. It's obviously nothing like a sword-fight, but it had a lot of impact. I'm really curious if they can keep it up and make sure it isn't predictable, stereotypical, or stale.

08-19-2013, 03:25 AM
Yeah, this is as intense as Utena, but the sword fights are glares passive aggressive statements, and general ♫♫♫♫♫yness.

The amount of information they're able to convey through facial expressions in this series is mind blowing considering w subtle they are compared the a lot of the over the top expressions, sometimes not even facial, but full body expressions and emotes needed to convey less in newer shows.