View Full Version : Zapuni.com 3/11 projects

03-10-2013, 05:03 PM
Zapuni.com is offering two short animes dealing with 3/11 and its aftermath. Blossom follows an old farmer trying to return life to the land, while Psychedelic Afternoon shows a child reliving the horrors he witnessed. While I didn't much care for the animation style of the latter, I thought Blossom was absolutely beautiful. [Zapuni is collecting donations with the goal of providing musical instruments to schoolchildren affected by 3/11.] You can go directly to Zapuni.com to watch; also, both videos are available on CrunchyRoll.

03-11-2013, 04:08 PM
Ironically, I watched an interview on Crunchyroll with the director of Project Blossom on Otaku-Verse Zero from last season. It really did look good in what they were able to show.

Definitely will check this out. Thanks for posting info about it!